Broken curse

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Cosmo summoned the dream forces to tell them about the message that Dara sent 

Timber: what's wrong Cosmo 

Cosmo: I have a message 

Message: Dream Force this is the leader of the Nightmare Force and I will tell you that I have a civilian in my hands and you must surrender if you don't want to see me feed him to one of my monsters 

Twitch: *from the message* someone please let me go home 

Hype, Pearl and Trickee: Twitch 😨😨😨

Cosmo: you know him 

Trickee: Twitch is one of my friends 

Hype: and he's my brother 

Branch: well let's go save him 

Poppy: the girls and I will make sure that nobody attacks the city 

Pearl: I'm coming with you guys 

Hype: no it's to dangerous Pearly

Pearl: Hype, Twitch is my brother too 

Ablaze: just let her 

Hype: fine 

Trickee: if that monster kills Twitch then it's dead 

Then the male Dream Force along with Pearl entered their hero forms and went to the place where Twitch was being held captive 

Twitch: is there anyone you miss during the last seven years you were here 

Aquamarine: yes I really miss my parents and my little brother Neel he was only six years old when I was kidnapped and turned into a beast what about you 

Twitch: I just miss my parents my two brothers and two sisters and all my friends 

Aquamarine: I'm sure everyone is worried about you 

Twitch: maybe we can find a way out of here 

Aquamarine: I can't leave 

Twitch: why not 

Aquamarine: because everyone will just take one look at me and run away 

Twitch: what if we can get out of here and find a way to break your curse 

Aquamarine: you're willing to that 

Twitch: *blushing* yeah  

Then they see the Dream Force arrive 

Dara: hello Dream Force came to surrender 

Mister Hydro (Hype): no now let Twitch go 😡

Lady Ocean (Pearl): yeah 😡

Dara: fine you'll have to fight my monster 

Mister Storm (Trickee): we have taken on many monsters this one won't be different 

Then Dara made the crystal cell vanish 

Dara: monster attack 

Aquamarine: no 

Axe: what a threatening monster 😒

Dara: 😡 

Then Dara used a mind control spell on Aquamarine and made her fight the Dream Force 

Mister Hydro (Hype): stop this 😡

Aquamarine: 😡

Mister Hydro (Hype): fine have it the hard way *sees Aquamarine's necklace* 😨 Aqua is that you 

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