Other kingdoms

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The next day the Dream Forces met up to discuss about their battle with Lyra and they all revealed each other's identities beside Trickee since they knew already and they invited Boom since he was the only one who knew about the identities of the male Dream Force 

Poppy: Trickee how are you from another world 

Trickee: my family left the card kingdoms when I was a year old 

Poppy: so we have two friends who from different worlds 

Blair: guess so I'm from the Flower Kingdom by the way 

Holly: actually I'm from the card kingdom as well

Poppy: huh 🤨

Holly: back there I would be the future queen of diamonds 

Then Holly grabbed a cloth and removed her makeup revealing a diamond on her cheek 

Holly: and Prism is the princess of heart and Hype and Pearl are the prince and princess of spades

Pearl: what 😨

Holly: wait I thought you knew already 

Pearl: how come I never knew 

Hype: it's because you were born after we left and mom and dad wanted you to have a happy childhood 

Poppy: that's it right 

Ash: uh hey Ash here and I'm actually from the Snow Kingdom my aunt is Queen Snowflake 

Ablaze: and Autumn and I are from the element kingdom 

Poppy: wait Autumn why didn't you tell us 

Autumn: I didn't think it was relevant for me to bring up the fact that my uncle was the king of the Element Kingdom 

Pearl: wait does this mean Summer is a princess 

Prism: yes I guess it does 

Timber: so wait are Branch, Poppy, Daisy and I are the only ones who are from earth 

Boom: wait isn't Branch from the card kingdom as well since he's Prism's cousin 

Branch: no

Prism: yeah my mom was originally from earth until she married my dad 

Boom: are there other kingdoms 

Dreamer: there's Dream Kingdom where Cosmo is the future king 

Cosmo: there's also the crystal kingdom, the candy kingdom, the fruit kingdom and the animal kingdom 

Boom: I'm confused on the last one

Dreamer: it's a kingdom where the people there are part human and part animal 

Boom: ooooh ok 

Daisy: wow there's so many kingdoms 

Then Dreamer and Cosmo tell them about what happened with the other kingdoms and how important it is for them to stop Nightmare before he takes over all the kingdoms including earth 

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