Queen Bloom: anything to keep the children safe mom
Princess Blair and Prince Boom: 😭😭
Princess Renee: it's ok kids *trying to rock the babies to sleep*
Forest: there's another world where you can stay in a place called earth
Prince Kopa: I wish I could get Storm for ratting out the kingdom
Princess Rose: 😭
Princess Olivia: daddy I don't want to leave what about Willow 🥺
Prince Kopa: we have to Livi
Then the family left and built a new life on earth Kopa and Renee decided that it was for the best if Blair and Boom didn't know about the Flower Kingdom
Present day
Blair Planter was a girl with a bubbly personality who is close to her family and is a good student at school and has a crush on a girl who was two years older than her name Flora
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Blair: *sees Flora* 🥰
Indigo: so when are you going to ask her out
Blair: I just need the perfect time Indy
Indigo: whatever you say
Bush: welcome to music high
Moss: whoa 😮
Florian: the this is the amazing
Trunk: what kind of combat training do we have to do
Bush: we don't
Trunk: what
Then they enter inside where Moss bumps into a girl with blue hair and green eyes
Girl: I'm so sorry 😣
Moss: no it's my fault miss
Girl: *blushing* I'm Bluebell
Moss: that's a pretty name *blushes* I'm Moss
Bluebell: I got to get to class see you later
Bell: 🔔
Florian: what was the that
Bush: that's the school bell
Blair: *talking with Indigo about classes*
Florian: the am I the seeing things
Moss: why do you say that
Florian: because the I think I the saw Princess Blair
Trunk: that's impossible she's dead and how would you even know what she looks like Queen Storm had forbidden anyone from anything to do with her family
Florian: because the I used to the play with the her
Moss: then say something to her
Florian: the alright
Then he walks to where Blair and Indigo are
Florian: the hi Princess Blair
Blair: huh 🤨
Florian: it's me the Florian I the used to be the your playmate
Blair: I think you're mistaking me for someone else because I'm not a princess my parents are just simple gardeners
Florian: the did you the get hit in the head you're the princess of the Flower Kingdom
Blair: flower kingdom 🤨
Later she talks with her older siblings about it then she decides to go on a walk to clear her head