Sister mission

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Blair asked her parents about the Flower Kingdom and they told her everything about what happened 

Meanwhile in the Flower Kingdom Florian had triplet sisters back home one was a scullery maid named Leah

Meanwhile in the Flower Kingdom Florian had triplet sisters back home one was a scullery maid named Leah

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Queen Storm: Leah

Leah: the yes your majesty 

Queen Storm: make sure you get this dinner room clean 

Leah: the yes your majesty 

Queen Storm: good *throws a goblet at her*

Leah: the ow 😣 

Queen Storm: 😆 it so funny how you saw it 

Later after Leah was done she went to see Clementine who was on her break 

Leah: hey the Clem

Clementine: hey sis I'm on break from training 

Clementine: hey sis I'm on break from training 

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Leah: ok 

Clementine: so what's going on 

Leah: well the I noticed that the Florian has been the gone for a while 

Clementine: I know 

Then the sisters went to go find Florian when they saw a open portal 

Leah: wait you don't think 

Clementine: he must be in another world and who knows what danger he could be in 

Leah: what do the we do if the Florian is in the another world 😨

Clementine: we're going to go save him 

Then they go through the portal and ended up on earth 

Clementine: where are we I don't think I have ever heard of this kingdom before 

Leah: the this is the strange kingdom 

Then they make their journey to find Florian until they saw him at the park with Blair 

Clementine: Florian 😄

Leah: the Florian 😄

Florian: the Clementine, the Leah 😄

Clementine: *slaps him*

Florian: the ow 😣 the what was the that for 

Clementine: that was for scaring us 

Blair: who are they 

Florian: the they are the my triplet sisters 

Blair: cool

Clementine: you why did you kidnap my brother 😡

Florian: the don't worry the she didn't the I came with the my friends 

Leah: the do you the want to come the home with the us

Florian: but the I like it the here on the earth 

Leah: is the that why you the aren't wearing the uniform 

Florian: the yes

Clementine: that explains your strange outfit 

Then they decided to not fight him on it since they want him to be happy and they make their way to find the portal 

Leah: I the wish I the could stay here 

Then she bumps into a boy around her age with purple hair and brown eyes 

Boy: I'm sorry 😣 

Leah: the no you're the fine *blushing*

Boy: incase we meet again I'm Fido

Leah: *blushing* I'm the Leah 

Fido: *blusing* that's a pretty name 

Leah: the thanks *thinking* he's so the cute and he the understands me the right away 

Clementine: sis are you ok 

Leah: the yes 😍

Then they discovered that the portal was closed off 

Clementine: what the heck happened where is it are we stuck here 😱

Leah: I guess the so 

Clementine: now what 

Florian: the hey I the thought you were the heading home

Leah: the there was a the unexpected change of the plans

Blair: you two can stay at my house 

Leah: the really 

Blair: yeah anything for my friend's sisters

Then they went home and Blair told her parents and they understood and registered Clementine and Leah into school 

Blair: ok let's try on some new outfits 

Leah: the ok anything other than the uniform *goes to try on her new outfit*

Clementine: what's wrong with my uniform 

Blair: nobody can know that you're from another world 

Blair: nobody can know that you're from another world 

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Leah: the what do the you think

Blair: I love it 

Leah: the I hope the Fido likes it the too 

Blair: aww you have a crush on him 

Leah: is the that what the I am the feeling 

Clementine: is there a cure for this disease 

Blair: she's fine there's no cure just try on your outfit 

Blair: she's fine there's no cure just try on your outfit 

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Clementine: how do I look 

Blair: nice

Leah: the pretty 🤩 

Then Clementine took a look at herself in the mirror and she felt very happy 

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