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*Bailey quickly makes her way out the back door of Brooke's house, ignoring all the stares that come from everyone who just witnessed their confrontation *

I really shouldn't have come here. Hearing Jake cheated on me and SEEING Jake cheat on me were definitely on opposite ends of the pain spectrum... AND THEN he has the NERVE to say...'Nothing Happened', NOTHING HAPPENED? She had no fuckin shirt on. Exactly when do guys consider something to have happened? Where exactly is that line? I'd love to know... she is such a skank. I wonder how long this has been going on did this start while I was on tour with the boys? And if so, that means he's been doing THAT with her, probably more, then coming to me... I feel ill.

*Ronnie walks out, hands another punch to B and sits down beside her on the step*

(Ronnie) I cannot believe that just fuckin' happened

(Bailey) *crying, takes a huge gulp of her drink* yea...well, I think it's the whole Jonas curse thing...we attract drama

(Ronnie) *wraps her arms around B's shoulders and pulls her into a hug* I am so sorry sweetie, he doesn't deserve you

*Jake walks out onto the porch*

(Jake) B can I talk to you?

(Bailey) *looks back crying* I have nothing else to say to you

(Jake) Please...alone

*Bailey rolls her eyes and motions to Ronnie that it's fine for her to go, Ronnie gets up glaring at Jake and walks inside, Jake takes Ronnie's place beside B on the step*

(Jake) *sighs* I-I don't know what to say...

(Bailey) *mocking laugh* then WHY are you here, and don't bother apologizing because I know you don't mean it

(Jake) you are the one who told me to just come without you

(Bailey) WOW! You know, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you try to blame ME for this AGAIN. I told you to come to the party...NOT to screw around with the host!


(Bailey) You were BOTH half naked, when exactly does it qualify as something happening?

(Jake) I mean we didn't....

(Bailey) Yea, I know what you meant. How long have you been doing nothing with her?

(Jake) just tonight...it just sort of happened

(Bailey)*scoffs* These things don't just happen, Jake. It's a choice whether or not to cheat, and you made yours...over and over AND OVER...and with Brooke?? What's the attraction there exactly? Is it that you have so much in common, both being sluts of your gender or is it the thrill of danger in knowing you just might get an STD?

(Jake) *visibly angry* I already told you NOTHING HAPPENED

(Bailey) I'm not going to sit here and have you yell at me like I'm to blame for this...*B stands up and Jake grabs her arm roughly*

(Bailey) OUCH!! Jake LET GO...YOU'RE HURTING ME...

*Suddenly Jakes grip releases when he receives a sharp right hook that sends him stumbling off the porch*

(Sam) are you ok?

(Bailey) *rubs her arm where Jake had gripped, looks up not fully aware of what just happened* ...did you just *motions to Jake* um, yea I'm fine...

(Jake) *Stands up cursing* What the fuck Sam?

(Sam) Back off Jake...

(Jake) No, Bailey don't just..*cut off by Sam stepping in between him and B*

(Sam) *gets up into Jakes face* I said back off

(Jake) *steps back and puts his hands up at his sides as if surrendering* Whatever, I'm out of here...*turns and storms out the back fence*

(Bailey) *still rubbing her arm* thank you

(Sam) no problem. Jake has a temper. I heard you yelling and just kinda reacted...he hasn't hurt you before has he? *concerned*

(Bailey) *sighs and slugs down almost the last of her punch* no...not physically

(Sam) so...interesting party...*trying to lighten the mood*

(Bailey) *smiles* not dull, for sure *suddenly feels dizzy*

(Sam) you ok? How much did you have to drink?

(Bailey) me? None...its punch

(Sam) *grabs her cup and takes a sip, then laughs* yup, that's punch alright... and vodka...probably other random alcohols as well

(Bailey) *eyes widen* WHAT?! Where? *looks down at her solo cup in horror*

(Sam) *laughs* did you not taste that? Didn't it taste a little odd to you?

(Bailey) *pouts* I--I dunno all punch tastes odd to me, I'm not really the punch type. Are you serious?

(Sam) 'fraid so... how much of the love punch did you drink?

(Bailey) two glasses...apparently I drink when I'm upset

*Sam laughs *

(Bailey) stop laughing! *playfully slaps Sam's shoulder*

(Sam) sorry...I can give you a ride home if you are ready, I'm leaving

(Bailey) how much did you drink?

(Sam) that last drop of your punch...I don't drive if I plan to drink

(Bailey) safety first...I like that...sure I'd love a ride

*back at home, B sneaks in and resets the alarm before sneaking upstairs*

First Jake cheats on me, then physically manhandles me and then I find out I drank the love punch...whatever that is...this night could not get any worse...

*B opens her bedroom door and flips on the light, revealing her Dad sitting on her bed, belt in hand*

...scratch that...it just did.

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