Third Wheel...In my Own Relationship

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When we got to the set the boys went off to wardrobe and makeup and Livie and I went to sit in the trailer reserved for the boys.

(Mom) why don't you two take the time to get caught up on your schoolwork
*reaches in her bag and grabs their PACE workbooks and hands them to the girls*

(Mom) I'm going to let you two work and go watch scenes *walks out*

(Bailey) so what the heck?

(Olivia) *confused* what?

(Bailey) you and the car...

(Olivia) *Rolls eyes* what about me and Nick?

(Bailey) Oh come on! You were not very nice to him

(Olivia) why should I be? He was an ass to me last night...all I was trying to do was be nice and bring him out of his funk and he ended up calling me a bitch

(Bailey) Livie...his sugar was cant just "bring him out of his funk" even if he does his bolus sometimes it doesn't work that great. He cant help it, he said he was sorry

(Olivia) I know, and I accepted, but I'm just not ready to pretend that he didn't hurt my feelings. This is between me and him anyway...its none of your business, don't worry about it.

(Bailey) no....sorry we come as a package deal....if he is upset about something it is my business.

(Olivia) ugh...don't even get me started on the whole twin thing

(Bailey) what?!

(Olivia) ugh...I love you both dearly...and I get it, I do but its no wonder girls are so fucking intimidated to date Nick

(Bailey) what the hell are you talking about? *thoroughly confused*

(Olivia) Nick told me....girls are intimidated by his relationship with makes it hard for him to date anyone...even your beloved Miley had issues with you.

(Bailey) w-WHAT?

(Olivia) you don't think its hard always being the second most important girl in your boyfriends life? Always being compared to you...and its you are inside each others head sometimes. You always know how he feels and what he wants and its frustrating and when he is upset he comes to you

(Bailey) so...what are you saying exactly? You are threatened by my relationship with my brother? Is that why you are being such a bitch? OH! Look at that! Now BOTH the twins called you a bitch....must be that freaky twin thing

*B gets up, picks up her paces and walks out of the trailer slamming the door behind her*

Bailey's Inner Monologue
I am seriously not sure which I want to do first....scream, or cry....I honestly feel like I might just lose it. Jake is a psycho stalker, I havn't seen Sam in weeks...I miss him, Livie my best friend has something apparently lodged up her ass because she is being a complete bitch. Nick feels bad about the way he acted, he has been struggling a lot lately and its really starting to get him down and it makes me sad. OH and another thing....Im intimidating?? Just where the hell did that come from and why didn't Nick mention this to me? And apparently Miles felt the same way? WTF! I have half a mind to call her right now and ask her just what the hell Livie is talking about....OHHH WAIT...THERES NO FUCKING RECEPTION!!!!!!!

Olivia's Inner Monologue
When B slammed the door on me I lost it...we never fight....not really. We have been best friends for as long as I can remember, she has always been there for me through all the shit that I've gone through. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I thought she knew about the intimidation factor with Nicks past girlfriends...I mean, he tells her everything. Well, apparently not doesn't even bother me that she called me a bitch. I know I probably deserve it for hurting her feelings, even though it was unintentional. Being with Nick is amazing but at the same time its really hard. I know he isn't himself when his sugar is high...or low and I try to be understanding but its really difficult sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I'm dating three different versions of Nick and two of them I don't really care for. As weird as it is for me to say, I do kind of envy the relationship B has with Nick...its kind of discouraging to know he and I cant be like that...I mean part of being in a relationship is intimacy and I don't mean sex or even kissing....I just mean sharing your feelings and thoughts with that person having that one person to confide in, if something exciting happens, you want that person be the first to know....for me that person is Nick...for him its Bailey...and that just sucks.

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