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Bailey’s Inner Monologue

What you see is what you get with Miley, she doesn’t pretend to be all innocent, she is real and loud …and she doesn’t apologize for it either, which is what I love so much about her. Her relationship with Nick is kind of different…like two opposite forces constantly driven toward one another. They love each other . The bond they share is the only one I’ve ever seen come close to touching the twin connection. Their breakups and fights are really intense but they always end up back together even if just as friends. Someday I predict they may just end up married, the constant pull between them is too great not to eventually turn into something more permanent. Which makes my current situation all that more awkward. Livie has been crushing on Nick forever, and like true guy fashion he didn’t realize he liked her back till she was going out with someone else. This has been their problem ever since… timing never seemed to work in their favor. Part of me is relieved and happy that it finally seems to be working out for them, but the other part is secretly hoping that it won’t last. Livie is my best friend, but I don’t think she is necessarily “good” for Nick. His attraction to her is primarily physical and Liv cashed in her V card with Josh months ago so her knowledge of the “physical” was what made me so nervous.

After hours of shopping….

(Miley) I'm going to starve to death

(Bailey) *laughs* you are so dramatic. I need coffee, before I die…I cannot survive without these shoes…I'm going to starve to death…can't you just say I want it

(Miley) *points to a random restaurant* I want it *smirks*

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* smartass

(Miley) is Nick meeting us?

(Bailey) he said he would, let me text him

(Bailey text) can u do lunch?

(Nick text) yea, need to stay close though…u come here

(Bailey text) k 

(Bailey) he says he can break but we have to go there so he can stay close

(Miley) fair enough…theres this little burger place nearby

(Bailey) where is Livie??

(Miley) still back at that last shop

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* that girl has a serious shopping problem, lets go get her and head to lunch

(Miley) yay *claps and bounces up and down excitedly*

15 minutes later…

(Bailey text) we are outside and hungry...hurry

(Nick text) K

(Bailey) he’s coming, I told him to hurry

(Olivia) I'm so glad he gets to eat with us *smiles*

*Nick walks out two minutes later*

*Nick immediately smiles at Miley and throws an arm around her in a hug she quickly reciprocates letting out a loud laugh that Nick chuckles at…as if some unspoken joke has just been told*

(Nick) *drops his arm from Miley’s shoulder and turns to an already looking pissed Livie* Whats wrong?

(Olivia) *scowls* nothing

(Nick) *grabs Livie’s hand* ok, no time to be grumpy I have less than an hour for lunch…where are we eating?

(Miley) burgers?

(Nick) was that a question?

(Miley) *throws her head back in a loud laugh* right, I meant…BURGERS! *starts to walk down the sidewalk*

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