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Ronnie's Inner Monologue

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! I have waited way to long to hear those words come from the lips of my favorite Jonas, is it possible he has gotten even more hot? I'm thinking yes...and here I was worried, when he hadn't called I thought maybe his feelings had changed.


(Joe) *sad* I- I don't understand V, what did I do?

(Ronnie) *sigh* nothing, you didn't DO anything, its just...you are leaving in a couple weeks...you will be gone all summer...surrounded by thousands of girls...

(Joe) so? They are just girls... plus we can talk on the phone and text and do the computer chat thing...

(Ronnie) *sigh* you might be able to handle the long distance dating thing, but I can't, I'm falling in love with you and it would make me crazy not being able to see you and I don't want to be the crazy jealous long distant girlfriend...

(Joe) so, just like that? You're falling in love with me so you are breaking up with me?

(Ronnie) *crying* just enjoy your tour, this way you're not always rushing back to the bus to get online or on your cell, when you get back...we can see what happens.


(Ronnie) *smile* yea...ok 

(Joe) *smile* good *finishes his burger* not to ditch you, but if we are going to go out tonight I have to get working on this song we are trying to finish

(Ronnie) that's fine I was planning on hanging out with B anyway.

(Joe) k, tonight then, 6?

(Ronnie) you have your license yet?

(Joe) ha...no

(Ronnie) *giggle* K I'll pick you up at 6 then

(Joe) *smile* see you then *joins Kevin in the media room, quickly followed by Nick*

(Ronnie) *walks over and sits by B*hey Bay whattya say

(Bailey) I say thank goodness Nick is gone *wraps up the cheeseburger and offers it to Ronnie*

(Ronnie) no thanks 

(Bailey) *makes a gross face, then throws the burger in the trash* you didn't see me do that

(Ronnie) No worries, I won't tell, even though watching you and Nick bicker like that was quite amusing and I wouldn't mind seeing round two for entertainment purposes.

(Bailey) so glad my misery amuses you

(Ronnie) ok, so what happened last night?? I went back in so you could talk with Jake and never saw you again

(Bailey) lets go to my room...I can fill you in

*B and Ronnie head up to B's room*

(Ronnie) Ok so what the hell happened last night and OHMYGOD what happened to your arm?

(Bailey) Jake happened

(Ronnie) details *demanding*

(Bailey) nothing really, we started fighting because he tried to blame his cheating on me, AGAIN, and I told him I wasn't going to sit there and let him blame me and he grabbed me and wouldn't let go...then then Sam comes out and gives him a right hook that sent him flying off the porch...and he got up in Jake's face and told him to back off and Jake left...then he took me home. Did my phone die?

(Ronnie) No, I just turned it off someone was blowing up your phone with calls and texts 

*B turns on her phone to see she has missed 6 calls and a bunch of texts*

(Bailey) I have 2 missed calls from Jake and 4 from Nick...those must have been last night

(Ronnie) so did the boys see your arm? And the better question is...have they killed Jake yet?

(Bailey) they saw, Nick seemed mad, Joe and Kevin asked about it and I was able to blow them off. 

(Ronnie) well that hardly sounds like Joe... he's uber-protective of you.

(Bailey) I don't want them messing with Jake...it would just make things more awkward at school...so whats the deal with you and Joe?....are you guys back together or what cause don't even pretend you came here for me.

(Ronnie) we are going on a date tonight *smile* 

(Bailey) GOOD maybe he will finally stop being such a grumpass he has been in a funk ever since you guys broke up 

*Ronnie smiles*

(Bailey) THANKS for that by the way...nothing like being stuck in a bus day after day with Joe in a funk...the first few weeks were especially my favorite *Snarky*

(Ronnie) I'm sorry, I thought at the time it would be better if we split up rather than trying to make the long distance thing work, but I was wrong because not talking to him was way worse.

(Bailey) well let that be a lesson, never break up again *smiles*

*Later that night, B nick and Kevin are watching tv*

(Bailey) you want popcorn?

(Nick and Kevin) sure

*Bailey runs to the kitchen to make popcorn as Joe walks in and plops on the couch with the boys*

*suddenly the screen lights up on Nicks phone left on the kitchen counter, B picks it up and reads the screen*

Bailey's Inner Monologue


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