The garden-themed park

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The day Amber and the others had gone and found the first clue, the two teens were thinking of where the second clue might be.

Narrator's P.O.V
 Amber sitting in her room thinking about the item she found the other day felt very adventurous. But she had a second thought. What would happen if we found all clues? Would there be someone evil waiting to take them. She felt excited yet curious to what will happen.

Amber's P.O.V
"You know what, I'll just read the book one more time." I said calmly. I picked up the book and the map just in case I needed to read that too.They both said if there were evil awaiting they would surely have difficulty with the swords. That was enough for me to calm down a little. I mean we could find them all and hide them somewhere safe, no problem. I thought of getting some fresh air, so I went out and layed a blanket down and grabbed my mp3 player. I relaxed and yet felt presence come towards me. I checked behind only to find mom showing me a magazine about a garden-themed park across town." Do you want to check it out?" I asked her. "Of course, I heard there it had a waterfall with rare flowers." " That's great mom."

"Hello everyone!" we heard a strange voice say. Mom and I looked behind us and saw Leo and his mom coming towards us. "Hey Amber" "Leo, good to see you again." I said while putting a huge smile on my face." Oh we have visitors." a bold toned voice said. Dad and Jaguar came outside and met our new friends."Kingston this is my friend Vienna." Claire said."Hi nice to meet you" Vienna told him."It's a pleasure meeting you" he replied. Dad glared at Leo then me."Amber who's this? "he said with a curious look on his face."Oh uh, this is Leo." "It's a pleasure to meet you Leo." "It's nice to meeet you too." he said as if dad were squeezing his hand.

"Hey honey, look at this." Dad grabbed the magazine and told mom it would be a great place for a picnic too. " Oh, that's a great idea! We'll go and get the basket! "They went to get the items and then came jaguar smiling and shaking his head at me."We're here a month and you already find a boyfriend?..." "He is not my boyfriend!" He started to laugh while I gave him a small shove. Mom and dad came out with a large blanket and the picnic basket and told all of us they had everything.We started getting ready to go, meanwhile I snuck inside and grabbed the map.

      We all got into our vehicles and gone to the park. It was very sunny and everyone came here. They came with their dogs, their bikes, and came for some exercise." Here's a nice spot on the ground" said Vienna. They lied down the blanket and sat on it. Claire took the basket and sorted the food. They began eating their sandwiches, and then started eating the banana cream pie.

Leo's P.O.V

"That was delicious!" I told Claire. Mom started telling them the story of what happened to our last picnic. Yeah...that was pretty bad. The time we got to a table at the park, mom took out the sandwiches, a pumpkin pie, the potato salad, and the crab salad. Everything went well.. until the frogs invaded. They jumped in the salads and our hair. They destroyed the pie and swam in the tea, and some were so small we almost thought they were pickles! It was bad, but when we think about it, we laugh. We started packing up the leftovers to take them to car. I tried to pick up the blanket,but at that moment I saw a ghost telling me to come towards her! I looked around and found Amber with a frightened look on her face. "Ok! I have officially lost my mind!" Amber whispered to me. We check around to see if our parents were still here, but they weren't. They had already left to put the things in the vehicles! "Well what do we do now?" Amber asked me. "Let's see if she needs something." I replied. We slowly walked towards her and she vanished. "What?! Were did she go!" I said feeling something bad was about to happen. "Well, she seems to be telling us about this river." We looked around to find anything suspicious. I saw Amber looking at a golden stone with a magnifying glass inside of it. "What is this thing?" She said while picking it up slowly. She glanced inside the magnifying stone and was amazed. "Whoa! Leo check this out!" She handed me the magnifying stone, and I looked inside of it. Everything seemed as if it was black and white. "This is awesome, yet strange."

I looked at everything and noticed a weird shaped glowing object inside of a crack under a rock. "Wait... I see something!" "You do?" "Yeah...wait do you have the map with you?" Amber took the map out of her pocket. "The second clue lies by the mossy stoned wall near a river." " Well, this seems to be the river it's talking about, so it must be it! After Amber read the map, we took a trip down the river. We walk towards it and I lifted it. "Quick! Grab it!" I yelled out. She grabbed the stone away from under the rock. "Wow! Look at it!" she said excitedly.

This time it was a sapphire ruby symbolizing water. "We have one more to get!" I told her happily. "Yeah, but what will we do when we do find them all?" "I don't know..." "Why don't we discuss this later, I know they're looking for us." she told me. We climbed up a latter. "Let's hurry." I told her. I was running and accidentally bumped into someone. "Ow! Hey watch were you're going!" The stranger yelled out. "Oh I'm so sorry." I helped him up, and his seemed was also hylian, green eyes, 5.9. "Wait, Dante! What are you doing here!" "I should be asking you same thing, and who is she?" he replied. I noticed our parents are looking for us. "No time,our parents are here." The three of us ran towards our parents and rode home. Who knows what might happen for the next quest...

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