-1- An Escape

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Romeo Swift rushed hurriedly around his room stuffing clothes into his bag, he'd woken up late that morning. Today was the day he and his family went on a short 2 week vacation to a Lake about an hours drive from him. It was rare Romeo got to actually go on holiday so he was excited to be away from the hell of home life for a bit.

Quickly he grabbed a pile of t-shirts shoving them into his bag followed by a few pairs of swimming trunks, swimming was the aspect of this holiday he was looking forward to most, being in the middle of a clear blue lake just floating lazily in the sunshine whilst the birds chirped and the waves lapped. That was a lot more peaceful than home could ever be.

Walking over to his nightstand Romeo ripped one of the drawers open rummaging through it until he found his concealer and a small red box, opening the box he placed the concealer inside. It clanged on the metal of the other objects incased in the box but Romeo ignored the noise shutting the lid hurriedly, then burying the secret box right at the bottom of his bag. If his parents found out he had this box they'd see him as even more of a disappointment than he already was to them.

Rummaging around more in his drawers Romeo pulled out his pack of cigarettes throwing them into the bag, then he began digging around amongst the rubbish for wherever his shiny lighter had got to.

"Romeo hurry the fuck up!" A male voice yelled noisily from downstairs as if on cue, that would his dad, Mr Swift, or Sir as he preferred to be called, though Romeo refused to stroke his ego like that. Ever.

"One minute you impatient twat!" Romeo shouted back in irritation, he definitely inherited that impatient quality from his dad, along with also being rough around the edges. Yet not as extreme as Mr Swift was.

"Don't talk to your father like that!" Mrs Swift called from the opposite room, she was still packing as well so why was only he being shouted at? As usual.

Romeo sighed biting his tongue, it wasn't worth it. Hastily he zipped his bag up slinging it over his shoulder and descending the stairs of his house. Along the hallway there were dents and holes in the wall from where Mr Swift had hit them in anger, or missed whilst attempting to clobber Romeo.

"Finally" His dad huffed standing up at striding over to Romeo, immediately he hit out slapping the blonde haired boy across the face, Romeo winced stepping back as his cheek stung, great.

"Next time, don't be such an insolent little brat" Mr Swift hissed, Romeo nodded his head, as much as he'd loved to have answered back it wasn't worth another, worse hit to the head. The last thing he needed was a concussion to start off what was meant to be a relaxing break from the normal pain of his everyday life.

The family then loaded the car with their bags and other equipment before hopping inside it, the rusty cars engine spluttered into action setting off in the direction of the lake, Romeo deftly put his headphones in drowning out his parents arguing with dulcet melodies, anything was better than listening to them moan at each other over pointless crap.

As scenery flew by Romeo found himself keeping his head glued to the window, he'd rarely ever left his home town so this was a once in a lifetime experience for him.

"Romeo pass me the beer!" Mr Swift boomed from the front of the car, Romeo glared at him taking one of his headphones out and turning away from the scenic view.

"You're driving Dad" Romeo pointed out stonily, he didn't fancy being killed in a drunk driving accident right now.

"Did he ask for your opinion boy?" Mrs Swift snapped, Mr Swift nodded angrily waiting as impatiently as ever for his can of beer.

"I don't want to die in a fucking car crash" Romeo hissed back standing his ground, cause this always ended so well for him.

"What part of, give me the beer. Did you not understand?" Mr Swift seethed his eyes narrowing through the rear view mirror.

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