Chapter 26- Sacrifice

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Being shot wasn't one of the nicest experiences you could have.

The pain was sharp, splitting and consistent, successfully achieving its one, cruel goal. Killing me would make sense and I welcomed the idea at this point in time. Death would cease the hurt and the guilt of what I've done. I'd brought this on myself.

But it was stupid and selfish to think that my death would solve anything. They'd kill Erik and hunt down the others. And then what?

What were they really trying to achieve?

I didn't know exactly, only that it wouldn't be good. For anyone.

My eyes could see those rectangular lights at second intervals and a cement ceiling, blurry, but not hard to make out.

I was moving, somehow.

A hand was pressed against my bleeding shoulder, in its attempt to control the bleeding I suppose. I couldn't see the blood, my head was a position that wouldn't let me look down. But I could feel it, warm and wet slipping down my arm; even the dried paths of it down my back. The thought of it all over my body made me anxious and panicky, adding to my already existing pains in the head. All I wanted to do was wash it all off and scrub myself clean, even if blood was permanently on my hands.

Someone yelled something about getting a doctor. That was Logan. I'm sure that was Logan's voice. Because it followed me, I gathered that he must've been walking beside me or something, along with a few others, in order to give them instructions.

If someone else was there, they didn't answer Logan.

The lights above my head didn't seem as bright anymore, becoming duller by the second.

So did my pain. A numbing sensation had set in now, so much that I couldn't feel my whole arm.

My eyelids began to fall and unable to keep them open, I let myself succumb to the temptation of sleep.

Or rather, I nearly did, because some annoying voice insisted on keeping me from drifting off.

"Stay awake, Scar", it said.

I wish I could've raised my arm to shove the source away. But it continued to talk.

"You can't sleep yet, soon."

Who the hell was he to tell me I couldn't sleep?

Do what he says.

What? Another voice? Could these people just shut up already?!

It turns out that they didn't need to; I started to dream.

These people carried me into a separate room, without Logan, I didn't know where he was. There was four, no, wait, five other people in the room, surrounding my bleeding body.

They all scurried around like mice, clutching at objects and slicing up the sleeve of my shirt hastily with a pair of scissors, trying to get to the wound I assumed- the wound I now ceased to feel.


God I hated that sound. But that sound made me realise the most horrific thing, the most violent, most disturbing situation.

I wasn't dreaming at all.

I felt it before my blurry vision could make it anything. A man's still body fell on top of my legs, and even with my poor vision, the vivid bullet between his eyes was obvious. Another dropped to the floor on my left- due to a bullet having been delivered to the the back of his skull as I helplessly watched. I could hear a third man beg desperately, quickly silenced by a gun shot.

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