Chapter 17- We're Not Safe

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I woke to warm rays of sun on my face. We were still driving. Where, I didn't know.

"You okay?" Erik's gruff voice spoke.

I didn't answer, I could only recalled last nights events in my mind.

"What happened Erik?" I asked, no doubt he'd know what I was referring to.

Erik's hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. "The institution was attacked. There's been traitors working inside our walls."

"Who?" I questioned.

"Some Nephil."

"What?!" I snapped. "Nephilim are the ones the demons are after! Why would they do this?"

He sighed. "Before you came along I worked with this Nephil-" Erik began but I knew the story.

"Jacob." I said. "The demons took him and forced him to release his angel half but it killed him."

I could see Erik swallow. "Some Nephilim think they'll be able to awaken their angel half and embrace it easily with the help of demons. Demons have methods that are rumoured to cause the angel half to take over completely, giving the owner power of both light and dark."

"Impossible. Nobody can maintain that balance." I stated. "It would kill them."

Like it did Jacob.

"Demons are powerful creatures. More powerful than even Kade. I don't know what they're fully capable of."

"For all we know it could be a trap! Demons luring Nephil in so they can murder them!" I exclaimed. This was bad.

Erik sat straighter in his seat. "There has to some proof of it though. These Nephil have been at the institution for years. They've been educated thoroughly enough to identify when they're being deceived and the maximum power their bodies can absorb. They would know better than to be easy fooled by a demon."

I remembered the book Erik had given me when we were on the plane to Sydney- the Bible for Nephil Erik called it.

"What about possession?" I questioned. I'd read about demons abilities to possess bodies and I knew their compulsion abilities were far greater than that of an angel.

"No. I checked for that..." He glanced over at me and paused allowing me to gather my thoughts.

I shuddered.

They were undoubtedly doing this at their own will.

This was very bad indeed.

"Where are Adrian and the others?" I asked, my heart pounding as it anticipated a reply.

Erik's jaw clenched. He kept his eyes on the road. "I don't know."

Panic overcame me. "You told me they were safe!"

"You wouldn't have left with me otherwise. You would've tried to play hero and save them."

I looked at my feet. He was right.

I then I asked him a question that made my stomach recoil. "Are they dead?"

"Not to my knowledge. Which isn't much. If they didn't get away, the Nephil would have them prisoner." He looked at me now.

"Where? Erik we have to help them! We can't run and leave them behind!"

"I had no choice Scarlett." His voice remained somewhat calm.

Like it always did.

"Will they kill them?" I asked nervously, my heart rate increasing.

"No. Nephil are too valuable for that. They'll..." He begun but stopped.

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