Foolin' My Self

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When they arrived, The Ghoul dismounted first and helped Babydoll down, his hands lingering on her waist a moment longer than necessary. She didn't seem to mind, as she looked him up and down as well.

"Welcome back," he said, leading the horse to the small stable beside the cabin.

Babydoll followed him inside, her eyes taking in the cozy space once more. "Well shit, what a day."

They settled in for the evening, the fire crackling warmly in the hearth. They shared a simple meal, the atmosphere charged with a blend of comfort and unspoken tension. The flirtation between them simmered, each glance and touch carrying an electric promise of more to come.

Babydoll leaned back in her chair, her eyes locked onto The Ghoul's. "You know, Ghoul, you're not as soulless as you think. I see a lot of good in you."

He looked at her, a mixture of skepticism and hope in his eyes. "Maybe you're right, Babydoll. Or maybe you're just seein' what you want to see."

She reached across the table, her hand covering his. "You've shown me more kindness than anyone else I've met so far."

The Ghoul tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "So far, huh? What's that mean? Who've you met before?"

Babydoll's eyes flickered with a hint of sadness, but she quickly masked it with a smile. "That's a story for another time, Ghoul. Right now, I'm just glad to be here. Right here in this cabin with you. Seems everyone outside of here wants something from me. I've got nothing to take but those dresses."

He studied her for a moment, sensing the depth of the secrets she carried. "Fair enough, Babydoll. You got your reasons."

She squeezed his hand gently, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Do you want to see my pretty dresses? The ones we rode all day for?" she smiled.

The Ghoul chuckled, a genuine smile breaking through his usual stoic expression. "After all that trouble, I reckon I do, Babydoll."

Babydoll stood up, retrieving her backpack and bringing it over to the table. She unzipped it and carefully pulled out the dresses, one by one, each more exquisite than the last. The delicate fabrics and intricate details stood in stark contrast to the harsh world outside.

The Ghoul watched her, admiration evident in his eyes. "Those are somethin' else, Babydoll. You weren't kiddin' about 'em bein' pretty."

She held up the pink, frilly dress she had worn when they first met, a wistful smile on her face. "This one's my favorite. It's seen better days, but it still makes me feel... normal."

The Ghoul grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "How 'bout you try 'em on? Right here. I reckon they'd look even prettier on you." Inside, The Ghoul was pleading with her, please please please try them on. Though his face would never let on.

Babydoll raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile curving her lips. "You wanna see me in them, huh?"

He shrugged, trying to keep his tone casual but unable to hide his interest. "I mean, we went through all that trouble. Seems a shame not to see 'em in all their glory, Babydoll."

She laughed softly, the sound both teasing and inviting. "Alright, Ghoul. You've earned it."

Babydoll took the pink dress, fluffing it in the air trying to get some of the wrinkles out of it. It has been wadded inside her backpack with about 10 others. Her prized possessions.

His eyes followed her the entire time as she fluffed the dress, knowing she was purposely making him wait. She unzipped the dress she had worn that day, slipping it down her pale thin arms. 

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