Carryin' Your Love with Me

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In the middle of the night, the rain was pouring, thundering, and lightning. Babydoll woke in the bed, burying her face into Cooper's chest as he slept. She whispered, "How long until small fry climbs in our bed?"

"One more good crack," he whispered back, his nighttime voice hoarse and raspy.

Another bolt of lightning split the sky, illuminating their modest cabin for a brief second. The crack of thunder followed almost immediately, shaking the walls.

True to Cooper's prediction, they heard the small, tentative footsteps padding down the wooden cabin floor, making it to his parents' bed. A moment later, a little head peeked around the corner of their bedroom door.

"Mama, Papa" Coop Jr.'s voice was small, quivering with a mixture of fear and the remnants of sleep.

Babydoll's heart melted at the sight of her son, his eyes wide and filled with apprehension. "Come here, bub," she said, her voice gentle and soothing. She reached out her arms, and the little boy didn't hesitate. He scrambled up onto the bed, nestling himself between his parents.

Cooper wrapped one arm around his son, pulling him close. "You're safe with us, little man," he murmured, his voice still husky from sleep. "The storm can't get you here."

Coop Jr. snuggled into the warmth and safety of his parents' embrace, his small body relaxing as he clung to his mother's nightgown. Babydoll smoothed his hair, humming a soft tune to calm him further.

As the storm continued to rage outside, the little family found their own pocket of peace within the cocoon of their bed. Babydoll glanced up at Cooper, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I guess you were right," she whispered.

Cooper chuckled quietly, the sound low and comforting. "I usually am," he teased gently, brushing a kiss against her forehead.

Babydoll laughed softly, the tension of the storm easing away. She settled back against the pillows, her arms wrapped protectively around Coop Jr. The storm could rage all it wanted outside, but inside, they were safe. They were together.

The storm outside showed no signs of abating, but it no longer mattered. In their little haven, the Howard family weathered the tempest together.

After they finally fell back asleep, they were awoken again by a distant rumble of Vault-Tec helicopters. The house rumbled as Babydoll and Cooper sat straight up in their bed, fear covering their faces. With swift action, Babydoll scooped Coop Jr. up.

"Bub, I need you to hide," she told the sleeping boy. With Cooper's help, she stuffed him into the makeshift cubby under the floorboards. "Whatever you hear, do not make a sound," she begged, her heart pounding.

"Babydoll, get in," Cooper ordered her. "No, they won't believe it," she told him, her eyes wide with terror but focused. She rushed to the corner of the room where a small chest was hidden beneath a pile of blankets. 

Inside the chest was an old, well-worn pistol and a few spare rounds. She quickly loaded the weapon, her hands shaking but determined.

Cooper was already at the front door, peering through the small crack in the boarded-up window. The rumble of the helicopters grew louder, the distinct thumping of the rotors vibrating through the air. The searchlights from the helicopters scanned the ground, casting eerie beams of light through the trees surrounding their cabin.

"They're gettin' closer," Cooper hissed, his voice low but urgent. "We need to be ready."

Babydoll joined him, her pistol clutched tightly in her hand. She glanced back at the floorboards where Coop Jr. was hidden, her heart aching with fear for her son.

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