Sooner or later, Gotta Cut You Down

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Cooper stumbled back to the cabin as the first light of dawn began to filter through the trees. His anger had cooled, replaced by a crushing wave of guilt and sorrow. He knew he had to apologize, to make things right.

But as he stepped through the door, the silence hit him like a physical blow. The cabin was empty. Babydoll and Cooper Jr. were gone.

His heart pounded in his chest as he frantically searched the small space, hoping against hope that they were just hiding or out for a short walk. But they were truly gone.

On the kitchen table, he found a folded piece of paper. His hands trembled as he picked it up, unfolding it to read the note inside.


I'm so sorry for leaving like this, but I had to do what's best for all of us. I still love you, more than anything, and I believe in you. But you need help, stronger help than I can give you right now.

I'm going to find some stronger chems for you, something that will help you control the cravings. Please don't try to find us. I promise I'll come back to you as soon as I can. We just need some time apart so you can heal and I can find what you need.

Take care of yourself, Coop. Remember, we're fighting this together, even if we're apart right now. I'll come back to you. I swear it.

Love, Babydoll

Cooper sank into the nearest chair, the note clutched in his hands. Tears filled his eyes, and he felt a mix of relief and despair. She still loved him, and she was coming back, but the emptiness of the cabin was a harsh reminder of how much he had lost control.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep, shuddering breath. He had to trust her, to believe that she would find the help he needed. And in the meantime, he had to find a way to keep himself together, to fight the darkness without her by his side.

Every day would be a struggle, but he had to hold on to the hope that she would return. Babydoll was out there, risking everything to save him, and he couldn't let her down. He wouldn't let her down.

Cooper folded the note carefully, tucking it into his pocket. It was a lifeline, a promise of a future where they could be together again. He looked around the empty cabin, taking in the silence and solitude, and vowed to use this time to become the man she needed him to be.

With a renewed sense of determination, Cooper set about securing the cabin, preparing for the long wait ahead. He would keep busy, keep moving, and keep fighting the cravings. For Babydoll, for Cooper Jr., and for himself.

As the days turned into weeks, Cooper clung to the memory of her love and the promise of her return. He worked tirelessly to control his urges, focusing on the future they could have together. And though the nights were long and lonely, the thought of Babydoll's unwavering love kept him going.

He knew that somewhere out there, she was fighting just as hard for him. And when she returned, they would face the challenges ahead together, stronger and more united than ever.

Babydoll's journey to find stronger chems for Cooper was a harrowing trek filled with danger and uncertainty. With Cooper Jr. in her arms and a bounty on their heads, every step was fraught with peril.

She set off from the cabin before dawn, the promise of finding a solution for Cooper driving her forward despite the overwhelming fear and exhaustion. She knew the journey ahead would be treacherous, but she had no choice. She had to save Cooper, for their family's sake.

The first few days were spent navigating through dense forests and treacherous terrain. Babydoll moved carefully, always alert for any signs of raiders or bounty hunters. Cooper Jr. sensed the tension and remained unusually quiet, his wide eyes taking in the world around them.

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