Almost There Darlin'

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They mounted Billy again, resuming their journey through the wasteland. As they rode, Cooper's mind worked on a plan. He knew Babydoll was right; they needed to find a way to make her look less like an easy target and more like the strong, capable woman she was.

By late afternoon, they reached another settlement, this one larger and more fortified. Cooper decided it was a good place to rest and gather more supplies. He led Babydoll through the bustling streets, keeping a protective arm around her.

As they made their way through the settlement, the sights and sounds of commerce buzzed around them. Merchants hawked their goods, children darted between the stalls, and townsfolk went about their daily routines.

Cooper's eyes scanned the area, ever vigilant, searching for any sign of trouble. They approached a vendor selling sturdy clothing and gear, and Cooper stopped to examine the wares.

"We need something that blends in but still offers protection," he said, picking up a rugged jacket and handing it to Babydoll. She tried it on, and they both nodded in approval. It was perfect—functional yet unassuming.

After securing the jacket and a few other necessities, they found an inn to stay for the night. The innkeeper, a burly man with a kind face, welcomed them and showed them to a modest room. Once inside, Cooper set down their packs and began to map out their next steps.

"We can't stay here long," he said, his voice low but firm. "We need to head north by dawn. There's a safer route through the mountains, and if we hurry, we can avoid the raiders."

Babydoll nodded, her determination mirroring Cooper's. "I trust you," she said, her voice steady.

As they prepared for the journey, a seed of doubt began to sprout in Babydoll's mind. She tried to push it away, focusing on the task at hand, but it lingered, gnawing at her resolve.

The baby was taken from her when she escaped the facility, after his birth, and in truth, he didn't even know who she was. To him, she was a stranger. Maybe he was better off inside Vault City, away from the dangers of the wasteland.

She glanced at Cooper, who was busy checking their supplies and ensuring everything was in order. His unwavering dedication and love gave her strength, but the doubt remained.

Babydoll finally voiced her concerns. "Coop," she began, her voice hesitant. "What if we're doing the wrong thing?"

He looked up from the fire he was tending, his expression puzzled. "What do you mean, Babydoll?"

She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I mean... what if my son is better off inside Vault City? He doesn't even know who I am. To him, I'm just a stranger. Maybe he's safer there, away from the wasteland."

Cooper's eyes softened with understanding, and he moved to sit beside her.

"Babydoll, I can't pretend to know what's best for him. But I do know that every child deserves to be with their mama. Out here in the wasteland, it's rough, no doubt about it. But love and family, that's the strongest kind of protection there is. It ain't easy, but it sure as hell is worth fightin' for."

Babydoll nodded, finding solace in his words. "You're right, Coop. We'll get him back. I just needed to hear it."

Cooper smiled, his rough exterior softening. "Good. Now let's get some rest, darlin. Got a long day ahead of us."

As they settled in for the night in their modest room, the sounds of the bustling outpost filtered through the thin walls. Babydoll, leaning against the window frame, looked out into the dimly lit streets below. She turned to Cooper, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Tainted Love: It's a Wasteland, darlin'Where stories live. Discover now