Burnin' Me Up

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The next morning, the peaceful quiet of the cabin was shattered by the sudden crash of the front door being kicked in. Cooper and Babydoll jolted awake, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Babydoll barely had time to pull the thin nightgown around her as the room filled with the rough, menacing figures of raiders.

"Get up! Now!" barked the leader, a scarred man with a cruel sneer on his face. He was flanked by several other raiders, all armed and looking dangerous.

Little Cooper Jr. began to cry, the chaos and noise scaring him. Babydoll instinctively moved to protect him, her body shielding him as much as she could.

"What do you want?" Cooper demanded, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. His eyes darted to Babydoll, ensuring she and their son were safe for the moment.

The leader of the raiders laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "We want the woman, and the brat. Ghoul you're wanted dead or alive. Decide how difficult you want to make this. A very powerful man wants his property back," he said looking towards Babydoll and Coop Jr.

Babydoll's face went pale as she recognized the men. "Zimonja..." she whispered, the memories of her past life flooding back.

The leader's eyes glittered with malicious recognition. "That's right, Babydoll. We know all about you. And now, you're coming with us."

Cooper's anger flared, and he moved to stand in front of Babydoll and Cooper Jr., his stance protective. "You're not takin' them anywhere."

The raiders raised their weapons, and the tension in the room escalated. "Don't be a hero, Ghoul," the leader sneered. "You're outnumbered and outgunned. Make this easy on yourselves."

Cooper's mind raced, trying to find a way out of this. He glanced at Babydoll, their eyes locking in a silent understanding. They had to protect their son, no matter the cost.

Babydoll's voice trembled, but she tried to stay strong. "Please, he's just a baby."

The leader shrugged; his expression cold. "We'll see how cooperative you are. Now, get dressed and get moving."

The raiders spread out, their eyes filled with malicious amusement as they took in the sight of Babydoll and Cooper. The leader gestured to them, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "And don't think about trying anything funny. We've got all your guns."

One of the raiders tossed their clothes towards them. "Get dressed. Right here, right now."

Cooper's face twisted in anger, his fists clenching at his sides as he saw the way the men leered at Babydoll. She hesitated, her eyes darting to Cooper Jr., who was still crying in her arms.

"Hurry up," one of the raiders sneered, his gaze lingering on Babydoll. "Unless you want us to help you."

Cooper's rage boiled over, his voice a low growl. "Touch her, and I'll kill you."

The leader laughed, his eyes cold. "Big words for a Ghoul in your position. Now, get dressed, both of you. Or we'll make it worse for you."

Babydoll swallowed hard, trying to steady her trembling hands. She glanced at Cooper, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. "Let's just do what they say."

Cooper's jaw clenched, his eyes burning with fury as he reluctantly nodded. "Alright, Babydoll. But keep your eyes on me, okay?"

She nodded, her heart pounding as she began to dress, her movements quick and efficient. Cooper did the same, his hands shaking with barely contained rage. The raiders' comments and lewd remarks filled the air, each one like a dagger to Cooper's heart.

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