Chapter thirteen

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Mariya and I stand frozen, mesmerized at her unending screaming. This gurl really got the lungs.

From behind her, I see Khalil, Shuraym and Ashirudeen sprint in. Khalil walks towards the girl and snap at her. She finally stops and I thought my head would burst, I could still hear her screams. Now, she looks like a kid high on candy as she smiles. She calls the only Najmat and all I wanted to do was disappear cause I really can't do fans, most especially screaming ones that revive my headache.

The crazy girl head inside saying she needed her phone.

For what? A photo? Please someone save me. Ya Allah! What have I drawn upon myself?

I stand there trying to adjust to what the heck just happened. When I did, I look at Ashirudeen and Shuraym, and then turn to Khalil. It's either I'm at one of these three's homes or I wind up in a crazy house for dweebs.

I try to confirm my thoughts but khalil's deep voice stops me, “Azeeza, what the hell! why are you here?!” his tone is accusatory.

what the… !? Why am I here?

I am sure of what I saw… No! he's pulling my leg, trying to make me the idiot again. “Excuse you, who told me to come over?” I assert, trying to maintain my composure. He really is gutsy.

The cool breeze of the AC blows and I fold my hands under my chest for warmth, “about the math problem that barely anyone could solve.” I roll my eyes inwardly at how I have to remind him.

“I never did, you might have gotten something in that stupid head of yours again,” his voice, it's filled with irritation making me regret my coming here, “and why would I, a big genius, ask you, Azeeza, of all people for help. I mean, I solved that stupid mathematics assignment in class a day before yesterday. Look, I'm sorry but... ding-dong, you stepped into the wrong house.” he says brashly.

I'm taken aback by his words, the way it's dripping with irritation and sarcasm… Of course, what should I expect. Khalil is a complete genius, I might know maths but I ain't a pro like him. Which now make the situation more absurd. Why'd he need my help?

“what are you saying?” I try to affirm my thoughts.

He chuckles slightly, “What I'm saying is your sorry-lame excuse to come see my handsome face won't work.” he says as his signature grin grows on his face. He is trying to make me feel inferior, but I can't let that happen.

Mariya leans closely and whispers in my right ear, “I told you he'd never change.” I can't let Mariya win.

“Khalil, look, I don't have time for your little mind games and… I don't feel myself.” I try to look serious and maybe cute too… don't blame me, it seems to take a toll on him as of late, and I do it to get my little life going without his torments. Ever since I learnt it did, I used it to my every advantage, like now.

My little act faulters as the cool breeze caught me off guard and I shiver. “Just check your message.” I say briskly, trying to cover up for my ruined act incase he noticed.

He brings his phone out his pocket and skims through it. I still don't know why he's denying what he sent though. He looks at Shuraym and Ashirudeen, and I turn my gaze there too. They are stifling their laughter.

“Shuraym, why?!” he growls.

“It was getting boring.” Shuraym says plainly, trying not to let lose of his laughter.

what are they up to?! I had no idea.

My sight becomes hazy and I feel lightheaded, the cold is diving deeper into my bones, and I'm struggling to focus. Mariya's voice is distant.

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