I was running around in the forest training myself with some orc dummies for three hours to make sure I do
Well in case more orcs  come.

I was doing some flips when all the sudden I heard branch snaps  when I took out my sword and pointed at a figure that put their hands up I got a clear look to see it was an elf.

"Father?!" I said in shock.

"Hello sav" he said as we both hug.

My father and I have been very close since the day I was born. My mother died from an orc attack while she was pregnant with me. My father loved my mother more than anything he didn't want to loose her but she insisted to risk her life for mine. He tells me that I look exactly like her. He's always supportive of what I do that's why I love him.

"What are you doing here and how do you know where I I am?"

"It's need 200 years since I last saw you and a little bird wispered in my ear you would be here.

I looked at him "birds wisper? I send the birds to you for letters knowing where I am or what I'm doing?"

He shrugs "anyway, I have come because I am going to lindon to meet an old friend king Gil-galad. And I want you to come with me. Maybe it will be time to see new people maybe find yourself a spouse. Maybe he or she or they would be the next one to put up with you like I did. But if you don't want to do that that's fine but at least come with me please?"

I didn't say anything but I nod as my father and I head to head to London.

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now