Elrond decided to take us to the realm of the dwarves believing they could help us achieve what they want.

"An alliance with the dwarves would be a diplomatic achievement of the age" i said to him.

"Their prince durin is an old and dear friend almost like a brother to me" Elrond said he must've had a good relationship with the dwarves.

"I've heard the dwarves have greatly expanded their halls of late i bet celebrimbor always wanted them to see them work I had no idea he admired them and I have never been in a mountain before perhaps you could ask your friend to give me a tour?"

"Oh if I know durin he'll do more than that he'll welcome us with open arms"

"What do you want" we heard a dwarfs say from behind the doors sounds grumpy.

"It is elrond of lindon accompanied by elenora of the woodlands. We seek an audience with Prince durin"

"No" the dwarf said.

Elrond looks at me awkwardly then back at the door
"my apologies, inform lord durin that is friend elrond.."

"His judgment has already been rendered elf" the dwarf said from behind the door.

All the sudden elrond reaches for my hand and I walk to him and take it as he pulls me to him closer.

"We invoke the rite of sigin-tarâg" he said.

"What is the rite of...." I couldn't finished when the door when they open an a group of dwarves come and bring us.

We got inside the mountain it looked beautiful I have never seen anything like it.

Then we went to a room and heard chanting then we turned to see a dwarf with long red beard. Wears a royal uniform it could possibly be the dwarf prince.

"My heart sings to see you old.." he didn't finish when the dwarf prince spoke.

"The elf elrond has invoked the rite of sigin-tarâg the dwarves test of endurance, fashioned by aulë himself.
Once we lift our hammers, we shal break the great stone's until one of us can break no more. Should the elf forfeit, he and the she-elf will be banished from all dwarven lands forever" that made all the elves cheered.
This is observed "does the elf understand?" He asked.

"The elf does" elrond said taking of his cloak and giving it to me.

Durin continues "In the unlikely event the elf should win we shall grant a single boom but should he loose..."

"Banished." I spoke this was all getting dramatic "yes.

The the challenge began as they broke a boulder into peices. It went on for a little long while when elrond finally decided not to continue. Poor elf was exausted.
I went up to him and put my hand on his shoulder as durin walks up to us "a dog my bark at the moon.but he can not bring it down take your leave, both of you"

Elrond gets up "perhaps his lordship would be willing to escort us to the exit?"


He takes us to the lift an I looked at the view of this mountain.

"Remarkable" elrond spoke "i never dreamed to find your city so changed"

"20 years will do that" durin said.

"Has it been only 20?"

The two talk on what had happened in the past elrond wants to talk to his friend and durin was upset for not seeing him and for missing his wedding and the birth of his two children I understood he was upset with that. Elrond suggested that he would apologize to durins family.

Durin agreed and took us to his home "one apology to disa and you're both off. No getting acquainted. No reminiscing about the past and absolutely no staying for dinner."

"Understood" I said

"Aulë's beard! No!" We turned to see a beautiful dwarf woman which must be his wife disa "this cannot be elrond can it?"

"I'm fear so, fair lady" said elrond.

Disa ran to hug elrond "durin didn't tell me you were coming."

"Durindidn't know" during said not pleased.

Disa looks at me "and whom might you be?"

"Sav" i introduced myself. "It's a pleasure to meet you"

Disa walks up to hug me too "you're both staying for dinner"

"They're leaving" durin said

"They're staying"

"They're leaving"

"They're staying" disa said sternly.

They told us to stay comfortable while their kids are playing around.

I turned to see Elrond looking at a tree I walked up to him "is that a seedling?"I asked him.

"It is" he said "I have this plant to durin as a gift I was not sure if he kept it but to grow it here is fascinating"

I gave it some thought "he may claim he still hates you but I think deep down he cares still."

He looks at me "I think so too"

Then later on we we're having dinner and the food was delicious but I was curious about lot of thing.

"How did you two become first acquainted?" I asked.

"I was resonating a freshly opened chamber, fairly confident we are onto a sizeable deposit"

"Resonating?" Elrond asked "I've not heard of resonating"

"It's they sing to the stone" i said "sing to it properly each of those parts will reflect your song back to you, i read about it the tradition is beautiful"

"Anyone my team was packing our tools then I see our prince, he's come to check on us" disa continues on saying he's did it for days.

"Alway did have a talent for lurking" elrond said.
The two boys bickered again and again until disa stopped it.

Then I looked at the tree they have "I see you planted our sapling"

"Planted it, raided it up, tends it like it's our third child" disa said "what sort of tree is it exactly?"

"A seedling" elrond said "of our great tree of lindon.
The very symbol of our people strength and vitality"

"Some called him a fool" disa spoke looking at her husband who was not looking at us "for believing it would grow in such darkness"

"Wether there is love it is never truly dark." I spoke

"how could it not grow in a home like yours?"

I could tell there's some sadness in both elrond and durin. Elton gets up "we should go sav I fear we've overstated our welcome. Thank you disa for your hospitality"

"Sit down" during said "I'm still angry so tell me about your kings proposal"

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now