We head to Lindon the capital of the high elves we got there were greeted by someone wearing golden clothing.

"SOL" he greets my father.

"Gil-gilad. My old friend" my father said.

"It's good to see you again" he said then the king looks at me "and you must be sav" he takes my hand and kisses it "you do look like your mother. Strong and beautiful. Welcome to Lindon"

I smiled "thank you my king"

Father put his hand on my shoulder "why don't you take a look around while I talk to the king"

I nod as I looked around the place it looks so beautiful but I stoped when i saw a portrait. It looks like one of those from those strories when elves cross over to middle earth. I have no idea what it's like since I was born middle earth my birth was 500 years ago.

"I hear it's said that when you cross over, you hear a song. One who's memory we all carry. And you are immersed in a light more intoxicating than any sensation in all of middle earth"  I turned to see an elf male he didn't look like a lord or anything but he still wore fancy elf clothing.

"My father once said when he cross it was the only feeling he knew" I said looking at him.

"Forgive me for coming on you unannounced. I am
Elrond" Elrond introduced himself.

"Sav" I introduced myself.

He looks at me In shock "you are SOL and Malefica daughter?!" He asked. Melefica is my mother's name. Both my parents are known to be strong warriors for a thousand years in middle earth.

"I am"

"I'm so sorry to hear about you mothers death it must've been hard for you"

"Se sacrificed herself to save my own when I was a baby" my father has told me Stories about her to remember her."

"I hear by many that her daughter looks just like her. Strong and beautiful" he said.

"I get that a lot" I said.

"I heard you are from Mirkwood" he said. "I also hear they are less wise and more dangerous than our kin"

I glanced him although he is not wrong about they are that mirkwood and I have a troubling past which was why I left when I was 300 years old "well I'm Sorry if I seem less wise and more dangerous"

He looked at me in concern "Forgive me I don't mean to offend you"

"None taken" I Said.

Then later we head down to the celebration for
Soilders that are going homw in validir.

After that I went to the tree of elves who died and my mother was one of them. I went to her tee and honoured her.

Also have a feeling someone is watching me "are just going to stand there breathing like an orc?" I turned to see it was Elrond there with two cups of wine.

He walks up to me and hand me one "it is said the wine of victory is the sweetest for those whose bitter trials
It was fermented" I wasn't sure what about this victory but something tells this is not over "something troubles you. I can assure you evil is gone"

He may be older than me but I have seen things many might believe.

I glared at him "gone? Is that what you think? Just because many claims it's gone doesn't mean it is. I can see you have not known evil as I have. But you have not seen what I have seen"

"I have seen my share" he said.

"You have not seen what I have seen. Evil does not sleep elrond it waits. And in moments of our complacency it blinds us." I walked up to him "and this is coming form an elf who is more dangerous than anything. I know this because I wore to kill the one orc that took away my mother. I don't know why you should care I don't even know you"

I walked away from him wanting to be alone. As I sat down and cried. For hours when all the sudden I looked up and saw something fall from the sky.

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now