I was sitting with disa as during and elrond are in the mines after they realized something about the mithril.
Lately I have been thinking about elrond a lot.

"Disa" I said as she looks at me "I have a confession"

"What is it?" She asked.

"A while ago you asked me how I felt about elrond and I told you were nothing but friends." She nods "but that's not how I really feel. For a while feelings for him started to grow. I never knew how he felt about me because I kept myself a distant . Besides I'm a woodland elf. We're nothing like our kin we're less wise and more dangerous."

Disa touches my hand "being different kind of shouldn't be the reason your feelings. You should tell him."

I looked at her and smiled. Then a bounch of gaurds came and took me away and out of the mountains.

"Sav" I turned to see elrond infront of the mountain.

I walked up to him "what happened?"

"The king found out" he said frowning "we have to go to lindon"

I nod "I understand" I put my hand out and he looked up at me and takes it as I pulled him up "let's go home"

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now