After the proposal the dwarves and elves started to work together to build the tower for the elven smiths.

Elrond thinks durin is hiding something so he asked me to speak to disa about it.

"Did you try any of his work teams?" She asked.

"All nineteen of them." I said "They keep putting me off one would alway think it's suspicious"

Disa glares at me "are you suggesting durins got himself a wee girlfriend?"

"There's is non other than you, milady"

"I know. Who's have him" we both laughed. Then she looks at me "I forgotten, he was off to the mines quartz chasm today"

I know she wouldn't be hiding something or maybe she is who knows.

"You know disa, there is no secret worth concealing with deception."

She looks at me "calling a dwarf dishonest in her own home? That's a recipe for strong gravy"

Something was suspicious "if during was mining why would he leave without his chiseling axe? And why would you prepare for his favourite meal? If he's going to a chasm that takes two full days to descend to?"
Disa chuckled "durin didn't bring his ax because the quartz he's mining isn't chisled it's pried. I am making mole-take stew because it need a wee while to set before he's home and while it takes several days for outsiders like you and elrond. Dwarven climbers like my husband can make a descents to quartz chasm in just a few hours"

"I see" I think she's lying to me but I'll just play it out. "I'll make sure Elrond knows that he hasn't seen him often today.

"Speaking of elrond, do you like him?"


"Do you like him, do you find him attractive do you have a thing for him ?" She teased.

Sighed "I do not know to be honest it's hard for someone like me to find someone like him after all I went through. I'm more dangerous than anyone thinks." "I stood up I think I should leave, thank you for your hospitality.

walked around as I felt someone's hand grab mine I turned to see elrond. "Forgive me for startling you" he said. "I have found what they're hiding follow me"

We went down to one of those mines there's no door or anything.

"Now what?" I asked.

Elrond goes to a wall and puts his hands on it "Usually when it comes to mines most of the time you have to find a way to open. Example: 'rich crone, kiss the stone,polish your gems and gold" he taps the wall rhythmly as the door open.

"Wow you know your dwarf mines really well" i said as we looked around and saw what they were trying to do.

"I knew it" we looked to see durin caught us "came to spy on me elves?"

"Hardy what is this place?" Elrond asked.

"You really expect me to believe you do bot know?"
During asked pushing Elrond "that this was not the true reason he sent you both here to begin with? You want it for yourselves."

"Durin want what?" I asked in confusion "we care nothing for what is in that chamber. And I may not know you but elrond does care for you and for your friendship and secrets do not become of it"

Elrond touches my shoulder "what she's asking is what is the meaning of all this?"

"I need your oath" durin said touching the the wall
"hand to mountain. You'll never breath so much as a wisper of what I'm about to tell you to another living soul dwarven anger outlives even elven memory break your promise and the power of the stone will doom you and your kin to sorrow, to your last days of middle earth do you both swear it?"

Elrond and i looked at each other and touched "we swear, anything you tell us here will end in our ears alone"

During shows us a stone that I have never seen before.
In dwarven tongue gray glitter in elven tongue.


Later on I went to see disa who was singing and I noticed the rocks were doing something strange.

After the ceremony was over I walked up to disa "what was that?" I asked.

"It was a plea to the rocks to release the bodies of the miners whith breath inside them. I cannot stop thinking that you and elrond not gone down there, durin might have been in that shaft when it..." she couldn't finish them with her emotion before looking at me "I'm sorry I lied to you"

"You were faithful to elronds friend this is all we need to remember" I said.

We heard footsteps and saw durin and elrond walking in "they just pulled out the last one. Alive all of them are alive" elronsaid.

Disa sighs in relief "your father must be relieved"

"He shut it down the whole vein is to be sealed off" durin said not pleased.

"Give him time. Even the hottest coals eventually cool"

"Yeah but sometimes I wish they wouldn't. Sometimes I wish I could tell him exactly how I think of him"

I could tell durin was upset. Elrond walks up to him about his father and what he thinks about him and giving him some advice.

"I was hopeful you might be able to settle something" disa said to elrond. "How is it that you and my husband me?"

"I told you I saved him from a hill-troll" durin said.
"Two of them yes I know I was asking elrond."

"Then I fear I have no choice but to amend your husband account there were three troll and it was i who saved him"

The two were bickering on which made me giggle at those two.

Disa looks at me "boys" I noded in agreement.

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now