We head back to the elven real for dinner when durin decides to join us. And it went better than I expected but during talked about the table helps to honour the dead and the king offers to give the table back to them so it could be treated with proper respect.

Later my father and I were alone. He looks at me "I can elronds loyalty to the dwarves is admirable"

"Loyalty to a friend ought to be expected regardless of anyone's race"

"Does it justify lying to the king?"

"I wonder father it was the king who has been lying to Elrond. You asked me to to come with him to kanas dum with a proposal of friendship but in truth he sought something far more tangible and you knew about it didn't you"

"Are you familiar with the song of the roots of hithaeglir? Recount it for me please"
Then I told the story of the battle of the misty mountains where two enemies an elf and a shadow fought which caused the power a pure and light as good and as strong and unyielding as evil. "And they say it steeped down the roots into the mountain depth, where for centuries it has waited."

Then I gave it some thought than realized "durin was right"

"Then you admit the dwarves did find it the ore containing the light of the lost silmaril."

"I admit to only this Elrond and I promise durin never to share his people's secrets."

"And what if keeping your promise to his people meant ensuring the doom of your own?"

I looked at him in confused "father,
what are you talking about?"

He sighs "you'll have to ask Elrond." He walks away. "And be sure to tell him about your brother"

Leaving me alone and confused. As Elrond walks up to me "Elrond what's going on?"

"I have to tell you something" he pulls me to a hall "I haven't been truthful to you on why we're here. We did not come to khazad-dûm for durins friendship but ambition. I did not know it but I came for mithril" I looked at him in confusion on why "without it our kind either abandon these shore by spring or perish"

"Perish?" I asked "perish how?"

"Our immortal souls will dwindle into nothing, slowly diminishing, until we are but shadows. Swept away by tides of time forever"

I sat down trying not to faint "does durin know?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes and I have told him that the fate of the elves are in his hands." He puts his hand on my shoulder "durin
can save us all I promise"

Opposite elf attraction (Elrond X OC)Where stories live. Discover now