Chapter 10

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"Just in time,"Vivian said in her thick southern accent. She noticed Pope carrying me into the house and beamed with pride. "Such a gentleman my son is. Makes a momma proud to see her son turned out to be such a proper young man. Demi, you are a lucky girl. A lucky girl indeed."

I noticed Pope's jaw clenched as he lowered me to the ground. He was extra careful to make sure that his shirt continued to cover all my private areas. Up until this moment, I had only seen Viv around Pope, but right now Vivian was the one cooking this supper and greeting us with that syrupy voice ofhers.

"Go ahead and wash up," she said casually as she put a bowl of peas on the table that was already set for three.

Pope silently walked toward the kitchen sink and pointed toward an archway leading toward a hallway. "Feel free to use the bathroom."

I did as he asked, in desperate need of using it. When I returned, both Pope and Vivian were sitting at the kitchen table. If someone were spying on the scene from the window, it would appear as a normal family dinner. That is until I walked in still barefoot and wearing Pope's shirt.

I sat down at the table and tried not to look Vivian in the eyes. I was scared... terrified that any minute she would snap onme.

"Isn't this nice," she began. She reached out her hands to each of us to take hold. "Let us give Grace."

I took her tiny fingers in mine, then took Pope's much larger hand that engulfed my own, and stared down at my plate of fried chicken, peas and mashed potatoes. Pope's palm was warm, and he gave me a slight reassuring squeeze. I needed it. My courage wavered, and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep up this charade.

"Dear Lord, we give thanks for the food before us," she started. "Your bountiful gifts to us are appreciated. Please watch over my son and his soon-to-be-wife. Help them in their budding courtship and help guide them to live a Godly and pure life. Give them the strength to act according to your plan. Amen." She looked up at me as I mumbled 'amen' as well and locked eyes with me long enough so I could see a warning inthem.

"Amen," Pope said. Without looking at either his mother or me, he picked up his chicken and began eating. I could see he was struggling with the illusion that all was fine, and I wasn't a captive held against my will pretending to be a part of a happy little family. It was obvious he knew how fucked up this situation was, wasn't in denial over how crazy and dangerous the woman who'd kidnapped me was, but was determined to keep me safe, and that little bit of knowledge helped me feel less out of control. I had someone in this with me. Pope was on my side, and knowing that little secret gave me the strength to keep going.

"After supper," Vivian said as she too picked up her chicken and nodded at me to dig in, which I obediently did, "you can take a shower and clean up. Your clothing has been unpacked, hung, and folded neatly in yourroom."

"My clothing?" I asked, surprised she had packed my belongings as she was having a man shove me into a moving crate.

"Consider it a gift, child. I went out and bought you a whole new wardrobe fitting of a soon-to-be-wife. Trousers and some of those masculine items you wear just aren't proper attire. Someone as pretty as you, and with the curves you have, should be accentuating that fact. Ibought a bunch of lovely dresses, skirts and blouses, shoes, and even some undergarments that I think will look quite lovely on you. I'm sure Pope will appreciate seeing you dress more feminine." She looked at Pope who still hadn't looked up from his plate. "Isn't that right, Pope?"

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