Chapter 42: Tears and Turmoil

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After the emotional encounter with his sister, Emmet stormed inside the Anderson Mantion, his heart heavy with regrets and frustration. The pain and guilt building with every passing moment.

His feet faltered as he stumbled towards the stairs, the emotional baggage too heavy to carry. The moment he reached his room, he slammed the door shut and let out a primal scream of anguish.

His usually neat appearance was disheveled - his hair tousled, shirt crinkled and eyes red-rimmed from crying.

Tears streamed down his face as he began to thrash everything in sight. Books flew off the shelves, lamps were knocked over, and pictures were torn from the walls.

"It's all my fault!" he yelled, his voice breaking. "I'm so damn sorry!"

"All because of me!" He yelled, thrashing his bed sheets and pillows.

Memories of their childhood flooded back, each one a sharp pang in his chest.
"I should have been there for you, Nora. I should have protected you," he shouted, his fists pounding against the walls. "I let you down. I let you suffer alone."

His cries grew more desperate as he collapsed onto the bed, clutching at the ruffled sheets as if they could anchor him in his storm of emotions.

"Why did I leave you? You were suffering. All alone. Then WHY??" He yelled, voice increasingly getting outraged.

His mind raced back to those days when he saw Eleanora left with the house staff while their parents were engrossed in their business, promising to spend time with their daughter  later; they never did.
He remembered her small, sad eyes looking up at him, all too vulnerable.

He took care of her.
He spent time with her.
He consoled her.
He made her feel wanted.

And then what? He left her, too.

He thought he was doing the right thing, building a future, but now it all felt so hollow.

"I should have stayed," he muttered, his voice cracking with pain. "I should have been there for you. Every day. Every single day."

The noise drew the attention of the house staff, and soon, his parents appeared at the doorway, their faces a mix of shock and concern.

"Emmet, what's going on?" his father demanded, stepping into the room. His voice held concern and surprise.

Emmet didn't answer, his tears and anguish speaking louder than words.

His mother rushed to his side, trying to calm him, but he pushed her away, rather harshly, his eyes filled with pain and anguish.

"It's all because of you!" he yelled, startling both his parents and the staff in the background. "You left her. You were so wrapped up in your business that you forgot about your own kids."

His parents flinched, confussion and surprise written on their face, not understanding where this all this is coming from.

"What are you on about Emmet? We never forgot about you."

Emmet's eyes blazed with fury.
"Yeah, cause you forgot about your daughter! Again and again!" He yelled at them.

"You left Eleanora to fend for herself while you chased your dreams and ambitions. You left her with the house staff all those times when she needed you the most. How could you?"
His voice cracked.

His mother reached out to him, too shaken with her son's emotional outburst. "Emmet, please calm down. We never meant to leave her like that, son. We were trying to -" she was rudely cut off by Emmet.

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