Takanori woke up the next morning. He had realized that stranger's number and address was still on his arm. He sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. He stood up and grabbed a pen and paper, then, wrote it down on the paper. After that, he sat the paper on the night stand and stood up to take a shower, stripping off his clothes and turning on the shower head. Takanori stepped in and just stood there for a second, looking at his arm with the writing on it.

"Is it worth it?" Takanori asked himself. He shrugged and grabbed his wash cloth and his citrus scented body wash and started to wash himself from head-to-toe. After that, he washed his head with his favorite pina colada scented shampoo and conditioner.

After his shower and hair washing, he stepped out and grabbed his towel to dry himself off and his hair. He wrapped his towel around his body and went to his bedroom. He went into his underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of clean underpants, then, slipped those on. Afterwards, he went into his closet and went to go choose an outfit. Something casual today. He's not really in that formal type mood today. So, he decided to wear a long sleeved black and white sweater and a pair of black skin tight jeans with his ankle boots. Then, he put on a necklace, his earrings, and started to straighten his hair. Then, a bit of eyeliner and lip gloss. He went downstairs, closing his bedroom door and grabbed his hand bag that was in the living room. He grabbed his keys and his phone, leaving the house afterwards.

His walk to work was really silent. No interrupting phone calls and stuff. However, he remembered that this was the directing to his job and to the restaurant he went to last night. That means that Akira would most likely be there and start "hitting up" on Takanori. Takanori hoped and prayed that that wouldn't happen, but it already did when Akira had spotted him walk past the restaurant. He ran next to Takanori. "Hello there." He greeted. Takanori closed his eyes for a second and said nothing.

"Don't talk much, do you?" Akira kept talking. Takanori was still silent, and kept walking. "Can I at least get a hi back?"

"What do you want?" Takanori mumbled. Akira smirked and stepped in front of Takanori, stopping him from walking. Takanori looked up at Akira with his arms crossed and gave him a look of disapproval.

"Hey, don't give me that look." Akira crossed his arms as well, mocking Takanori. Takanori sighed.

"I asked you a question."

"Is it mandatory for me to answer that question?" Akira asked, sounding nonchalant.

"Don't be a smart ass."

"I wasn't. I was only asking was it mandatory to answer your question. Now, I'm going to properly introduce myself." Akira sighed and released his arms from his arm cross. "I'm Akira." He held out his hand for a handshake. Takanori raised an eyebrow and hesitantly shook Akira's hand. The feeling of Takanori's soft, manicured hands made Akira loosen up from his tenseness. Their hands disconnected.

"Look and listen, Akira. I'm not here to play any games with you, okay?" Takanori made a slight fuss.

"Okay, okay. I understand. What's your name?" Akira asked.


"Hmm... Nice name. You seem hard to get."

"That's because I am hard to get. I'm not like those other gullible people out there. I know how guys operate and I can figure you out in a snap." Takanori sighed and adjusted his shoulder bag on his shoulders.

"Interesting...Where do you work?" Akira sighed. Takanori pursed his lip and nodded.

"At that large building over there." Takanori pointed to the large building just 8 blocks ahead. "Well, I got to go. Bye." Takanori did a small wave and walked away past Akira to get to his job. Akira turned and watched as the little guy walked away. He chewed his lower lip and sighed.

A Pretty Gay Fantasy, A Luscious TouchWhere stories live. Discover now