Takanori sat on his bed, drinking red wine while watching television. He was off of work today. Well, he needed the time off today. He had nothing better to do but to either play with his dog. Actually, he could take his dog out for a walk. It's only 8:30 pm. Takanori stood up and switched from his pajamas to a pair of casual clothes; a pair of black skin tight jeans with a white silk short sleeved button up shirt. He grabbed his ankle boots and slipped those on. He went to his living room and grabbed his leash. "Koron!" Takanori called. The small dog ran to Takanori's feet, jumping up in excitement. "Ready to go for a walk?" He asked while clipping the leash onto the puppy's collar.

The dog made a small bark and stuck out its tongue with breaths of excitement. Takanori giggled and went to the kitchen to grab a small sandwich bag. Then, he opened the dog snacks and put a handful of the yummy snacks into the small sandwich bag. He went to his handbag and put the sandwich bag in a small pocket in the handbag and put it over his shoulder, sliding on his eyeglasses as well. Takanori grabbed his keys and cell phone, walking out the door with his dog's leash in hand.

As they walked down the hall, he happened to meet Akira by the elevators just coming in. "Oh. Hey." Takanori greeted and smiled a bit. Akira looked back at Takanori with a smile as well.

"Sup. Where're you headed?" He asked.

"Taking my puppy out for a walk."

"At 8:40 in the evening?"

"I'll be fine. It's not like someone is going to kidnap me in the streets." Takanori rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"You don't know that. Do you want me to walk you?"

"Do you want to?"

Akira smirked a bit, "Yeah. Sure." He press the round button to the elevator and it dinged, opening its sliding door. Takanori entered with his Chihuahua and Akira himself. Takanori picked up his puppy and pet its fluffy black fur. Akira looked at Takanori as he made cute puppy talk with the dog. Akira smiled a bit and looked ahead of him.

The elevator dinged again and the sliding door opened. They exited the elevator and walked out the building and walked down the street to get to the closest neighborhood park. "So, how long have you had the Chihuahua?" Akira asked.

"I had him for about 2 to 4 years." Takanori responded, allowing his dog to sniff the grass so that he could use the bathroom. Akira nodded. Takanori pulled out the small sandwich bag and took out a dog treat from the small bag. He teased the dog a little before giving him the treat.

"That's a long time." Akira said. Takanori nodded and they continued walking.

"I know. I love this dog. It's like having a son, but easier to handle." Takanori smiled and walked into the park. Akira followed and walked next to Takanori. They were walking quite slow.

"Ever think about adopting?" Akira asked and looked at Takanori next to him.

"Kind of, but.... I don't know. That's hard to think about. As much as I hate little kids, it would be kind of nice for me to adopt one, but not now. I work too much." Takanori stopped at a bench and sat down. Akira sat down next to him.

"I understand. You wouldn't want to be fertile do you?"

"Oh god no! Do you know how girls operate? I feel bad for them... having to go through menstrual every month. It's sad." Takanori ran his hand through his hair. Akira nodded and sighed.

"Change of subject... umm." Takanori laughed a bit as Akira spoke. "What do you do at home?"

"Nothing. Either that or design something." Takanori responded and looked down at his lap. Koron was playing around, running in circles.

A Pretty Gay Fantasy, A Luscious TouchWhere stories live. Discover now