Just weeks later, Takanori had started to feel a bit more comfy around Akira. But not too comfy. They don't talk on the phone. They just see each other when Takanori walks past the restaurant and Akira randomly comes to Takanori's job during his lunch break. It slightly annoyed Takanori because, "Why in the hell is Akira always on my tail? What does he want from me?" Takanori complained to Kouyou. This time, they were at Takanori's apartment.

"Well, let's just face the fact that he probably is head-over-heels for you, man." Kouyou mentioned and was mini throwing a small rubber band ball back and forth with Koron.

"Shut up... n-no he doesn't." Takanori murmured and furrowed his eyebrows in a pout. Kouyou chuckled and shook his head and sat down on his sofa chair.

"You are so stubborn...." Kouyou said with a  smirk.

"Am not. The worst part about this is that he lives next door." Takanori hugged his knees to his chest and sighed deeply. Kouyou chuckled and was still playing with the dog. Takanori watched and sighed.

There was an unexpected knock from the door. "Wasn't expecting anyone." Takanori said. Kouyou rolled his eyes and stood up to get the door. When he opened it, it was Akira, leaning on the door frame.

"Ahh... And look who arrived." Kouyou smiled.

"Who is it?" Takanori asked. Kouyou chuckled and gestured Akira in. "Awww damn! I'm in my jammies!" He fussed. He had on a pair of pajama shorties shorts with his button up shirt.

"Hello to you too." Akira made a slight bow.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."

Kouyou sat back down on the couch and sipped his can of beer. Akira sat on the love seat sofa. Now everyone is in silence. Takanori sighed deeply. Why is he in my apartment? He literally wanted to throw Akira out of the window if he had to. Kouyou, on the other hand, was texting his boyfriend, waiting for at least one of them to speak. Akira sat there quietly, tapping his fingers on the arm of the sofa. He felt a bit awkward now that there's one extra person there, but Kouyou is much a part of this.

"So... This is so awkward." Akira spoke.

"Yeah. It wouldn't be if someone starts an interesting conversation already!" Kouyou responded looking at Takanori with narrowed eyes. Takanori bit his lip and looked down a shamed. "Hey, d-don't do that."

"What happens if he does?" Akira asked.

"He's a sensitive person, so, if you yell at him or anything, he'll do that. And it's so fucking cute, it makes me feel bad and I baby him." Kouyou made a pouty face as well and grunted. Takanori stopped his pouting and giggled.

"It gets him every time." Takanori said with a devious smile.

Akira looked at Takanori with a small smile and then back at his lap. It's hard just being around someone you like when they don't like you back. Takanori is sometimes not open with his feelings. So, either he does like Akira or he doesn't.

"Taka, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Akira asked.

"26..." Kouyou answered for Takanori.


"What? I was trying to be helpful. I'm going in your room. You two need to be alone." Kouyou smiled and grabbed his phone, then scurried off to Takanori's room. Takanori rolled his eyes and stood up to go in the kitchen.

"Want some coffee?" He asked. Akira stood up and also went into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Thanks." Akira responded and leaned on the counter. Takanori had put a Keurig cup in his coffee maker and pressed a glowing blue button to start it. He had already put a mug under the little thingy that pours the coffee liquid into the cup (I have no idea what it's called).

"So, umm.. where are you from?" Takanori asked.

"Kanagawa prefecture. What about you?" Akira responded. Takanori's eyes widened a bit and dropped his mug in the sink.

"Wow... I-I'm also.. from Kanagawa prefecture." Takanori picked up his cup from the sink and sat it on the counter.

"Mmm... interesting. When's your birthday?"

"The first of February."

"You look like a February type person."

"How come?"

"Are you a romantic guy?" Akira smirked and flipped his hair out of his eye.


"There's your answer." Akira giggled. Takanori rolled his eyes and grabbed Akira's cup of coffee from the coffee maker and added coffee cream and sugar.

"Here's your coffee." Takanori pursed his lips and made a small smile, handing Akira is coffee. "It's hazelnut."

"Ahh.. thanks." Akira sipped it. "It's good." he made a teasing smirk and licked his lips. Takanori blushed and looked away.

Man, he's too hot, but so pervertish.... Takanori thought and walked passed Akira to his sofa chair, Koron jumping onto his lap. Akira sat on the couch and put his coffee down on the coffee table. "You know, me and you may have some things in common."

"Why'd you think that?"

"It's always good to ask questions, y'know? Maybe a little compliment here and there. For example... umm... What's your favorite color or colors?" Akira asked and leaned on the arm of the couch.

"Purple, black, and red I guess." Takanori looked up at Akira.

"Ah! Purple and red." Akira smiled and sipped his coffee.

"So? How does that prove we have stuff in common?"

"Shh... let me finish. Do you like music?" Akira asked and sat his coffee down on the coffee table.



"I'm a designer. So, basically, yeah."

"There we go." Akira smirked and nodded. Takanori rolled his eyes and sighed.

"But you know... we can be friends and just get over our differences that we have. Me and Kouyou are like that. We have very little things in common, but we are still best of friends and he understands me a lot." Takanori shrugged. Akira nodded and ran his hand through his hair.

"That makes sense. Well, I should get going. I'm getting kind of sleepy." Akira stood up and stretched. Takanori stood up as well and went to the door, unlocking it. Akira chuckled and went to the door. "It was fun talking to you. How about lunch tomorrow. On me."

"I guess." Takanori giggled and bit his lip. Akira smirked.

"Alright. I'll stop by and we can go to a café that I would like to show you." Akira took it upon himself to give Takanori a little peck on his cheek. Takanori blushed hard and opened the door for Akira. He then left and the door closed behind him. Takanori leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes as he sighed. If Jurou was alive, he would be the most jealous person in t he world. Takanori took a deep breath and kept his eyes closed, then, opened them. Maybe he should tell Akira the story of him and Jurou during their lunch tomorrow. Or should he wait?


A/N: Here is Chapt. 3 guys. Sorry it's super short. I will start on chapter 4 today since I have nothing better to do XDDD. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed. And thanks to all my wattpad supporters. I love you all and keep writing. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. ^ ^ You are all talented people and you all have special gifts. Use them! Don't waste them! Cherish them. ;)

A Pretty Gay Fantasy, A Luscious TouchWhere stories live. Discover now