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It has been a month since Aki's and Taka's date. Even since after that night, they've been having a lot of sex lately.

Takanori sat at his desk, singing to himself and drawing new ideas. Kouyou walked into the office with a huge grin on his face. Takanori looked up and furrowed his eyebrows at Kouyou. "Hey~." Kouyou sang and sat on Takanori's desk.

"Hey, Kou-chan." Takanori's lips pulled into a sweet smile and a giggle.

"So, how was it?" Kouyou asked, tuning to face Takanori.

"How was what?"

"You know~." Kouyou smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. Takanori furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

"The date or the other thing?"


"Oh the date was fine. Heheh" Takanori smiled innocently. Kouyou narrowed his eyes at Takanori.

"What about the other thing?"

"Oh, that was fantastic. I don't know why, but it seems like I have had too much sex with him. Is that bad?" Takanori asked and bit his lower lip.

"That's not what this relationship is all about is it?" Kouyou asked.

"Hell no! I love Akira. I really do, but I don't want this relationship to be all about sex. I mean, yeah, I love having sex with Akira, but we do it too much." Takanori sighed and laid his head on his desk.

"You two are just like me and Yuu. We are always having sex. Well, honestly, it's okay to have sex constantly, but if you're doing it more than Kim Kardashian and Kanye West... there's a problem." Kouyou and Takanori laughed and sighed simultaneously.

"No, we don't do it that much." Takanori smiled sweetly.

Speaking of Akira, he walked in the office with lunch. "Hey there." Akira greeted with a huge grin on his face. "Sorry to barge in, but I bought lunch for you Taka. You too Kou-chan. I didn't forget you." Akira handed Kouyou a bento box of onigiri. Takanori had the same.

"Thanks Akira." Takanori and Kouyou said in sync. Akira smiled and gave his boyfriend a little peck on the forehead.

Takanori sighed happily. Yeah, he has been stressing out over the millions of sex they have, but maybe it's not all that bad. And gosh, was Takanori happy that Akira came for a visit. Most boyfriends don't do that.

Now, you might be thinking Kouyou and Yuu. Yuu has a job as well. He's not allowed to leave his job until his job is done for the day. He could visit Kouyou if he could, but with a strict boss, it's impossible to make that happen.

"So, Akira. Takanori has been telling me that you two are getting it good." Kouyou wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. Takanori sighed deeply and face palmed himself.

"Uhh...If you say it that way...I mean.." Akira blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Don't answer him." Takanori mumbled and stood up, going to the mini fridge in his office. He pulled out a bottle of Orangina and sat on top of his desk. Akira shrugged and sighed.

"I have to get back to work, guys. Thanks for allowing me to visit." Akira said and gave Takanori a cute kiss on his lips and hand shook Kouyou's hand. Akira had left the door, closing it behind him.

"He's a nice guy." Kouyou complimented.

"Thank you." Takanori smiled sweetly.


"Koron-chan! I'm home." Takanori yelled out to his dog when he arrived home to his apartment. The small dog ran to Takanori and jumped in happiness. Takanori smiled and picked up the pup, holding it in his arms. "I'm staying home tomorrow, so that means me and you can have some fun." Takanori smiled at his dog.
Their sudden happiness was blown away by a knocking on the door. "Who is it?" Takanori yelled out.

"It's me." It was Akira at the door, but he didn't sound very happy.

"Come in." Takanori said and sat on the couch. Akira walked in and closed the door.

"You wouldn't believe what just happened."


"Some guy that works at the restaurant was trying to compete with me on being a 'best waiter' and he was so stupid and pathetic and ignorant, he ruined my white shirt with spaghetti sauce!!" Akira said a bit angrily. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, revealing his tank top.

"That's so stupid. I'm sorry to hear, Aki." Takanori took Akira's shirt and lied it down on the chair. "I'll wash it for you." He smiled.

"Thank you. So, what's for dinner?"

"Well, we had spaghetti for our date. That's really all I know how to cook. But we can order food." Takanori giggled and smiled sweetly. Akira chuckled and nodded, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll order the pizza." Akira suggested, pulling out his phone from his pocket and grabbed a pizza menu and calling the restaurant. After the phone call, Akira sighed. "Pizza has been ordered. Now, what shall we do while we wait?" Akira asked and rested his hands on Takanori's waist and smirked.

"I don't know. I should probably wash your shirt." Takanori giggled and leaned up to kiss Reita's lips.

"And you might also need to wash the sheets again when I'm done with you." Akira purred and went back to Takanori's lips.


They were now in make out session until Koron came interrupting again. Takanori grunted and picked up the dog. "Ugh...you're such a jealous dog. Mommy doesn't like that." Takanori started rocking the puppy in his hand. "Ever thought about having kids?"

"Well, we're guys. You're not...fertile."

"We can adopt." Takanori winked.

"That would be a lot of money, Taka. Besides, you have a dog, that's like having a son." Akira smiled.

"So, will you be Koron's daddy?"

"Of course." Akira chuckled and pet the dog's head gently. Takanori giggled and smiled.

"He likes you. Here, hold him. He won't bite." Takanori held out the dog to Akira. Akira was a bit hesitant. He's not scared of the dog, but how does Takanori know that Koron likes Akira or not. Akira sighed and gently held the dog in his arms. He felt tense but loosened up when Takanori's soothing voice calmed him down. "See? Told you. It's like having a real baby, but...animal form."

Akira smiled and laughed a bit, "He's cute, and soft. Takes after his mum." Akira winked and tickled the dog's belly.

"Thank you." Takanori smiled. "Now, we have a son."

"You hear that, Koron? I'm your new daddy." Akira smiled. Takanori laughed and bit his lip.

"Your a dog too, so, I have to cater you more." Takanori sassed with a teasing smirk.

"Yeah whatever."

From there, things went well. Takanori and Akira both caressing their puppy son and laughing with each other. This was a moment, an unforgettable moment. Takanori just wish this will never end, and maybe his wish will come true.

A Pretty Gay Fantasy, A Luscious TouchWhere stories live. Discover now