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Takanori hugged his knees to his chest as he sat on his bed with his dog and his iPhone next to him. He unintentionally keeps expecting Akira to call anytime soon, but he has forgotten that they were separated. It's been almost 4 weeks now and he's getting really tired of being alone...

Being gay was really hard for him. Heartbreaks and all. He's been with three people during his lifetime.

1. We haven't mentioned him, but Takanori has been with an exchange student in college. His name was Jonathon, but Jonathon ended the relationship because he had to go back to his home town in Buenos Aires, Argentina to persue his career.

2. Next was Jurou, their relationship ended after a tragic death of Jurou. Arguments and sexual abuse. Takanori hated him after those terrible times. Then, the car accident that Jurou died from and Takanori survived... the bad and ugly gets the consequences and the good gets the prize.

3. Akira. Someone who was loyal, amazing, intelligent, funny, sexy, and one of a kind. Gosh if it wasn't for that girl who had kissed Akira. I just wanna rip that stupid girls face apart and make her----

No violence...

Takanori wished that he could start all over. From the time he met Akira and the fun times they've had together. Takanori misses it. He wants Akira back, but...can he?

"Koron, do you wanna go for a walk?" Takanori asked his puny dog who was asleep. The dog's head perked up and put his head back down. Takanori hummed. "I guess not then... I'll go by myself."

Takanori stood up from bed and decided to just leave the clothes he had on: he had on a pair of denim high waisted shorts and a tucked in sweater. He grabbed his longer black sweater that length to the back of his knees and pulled on his knee boots. He also grabbed his wallet. Maybe he might want to stop by at Starbucks and buy himself a javaccino or a macchiato. Hm...an iced macchiato sounds good.

Grabbing his phone and keys, he left his apartment complex, walking to the elevator and stuffing his wallet in his back pocket and his phone still in hand. He hooked his keys to his belt look of his shorties.

Then, he left the elevator. His boots clacking on the tiled floor of the huge lobby. He walked out of the building and saw that it was evening. Let's say it's about 6:45pm and the sun was almost finished setting.

Takanori started walking down the street, until he had saw the man he's been craving for. Akira was outside the parking lot area, fixing his motorcycle still and there was a lack of top clothing. His arm muscles tighter on his thin-ish arms. His abs were just too amazing. Those jeans Akira had on perfectly fit him, giving a nice shape of his ass.

Takanori chewed his lower lip and didn't want to bother Akira. Akira was too focused.

Takanori sighed and decided that he shoukd cross the street before he's been spotted.

Too late.

"Hey!" Akira called out as he noticed the only small figure he knew of. He recognized everything. Takanori's style, the way he walks, the shoe he wears, height, shape, everything. It made Takanori shiver, but it also made him think that's a damn good man right there.

"Damnit.." Takanori mumbled under his breath. He wanted to keep walking, but instead he turned around.

He didn't even make it across the street. He was still on that side walk there. Akira stood uo from his crouch and put his stuff back in his tool box, but not closing it. He walked towards Takanori, only a feet away. "It's nice to see you again..." Akira said.

"Yeah. Okay..." Takanori was weirded out and he just wanted to run away.

"Still hate me?"

"I never said I hated you...I-I just needed to be away from you for a while.." Takanori responded quickly.

Can I get my macchiato please? Or are you gonna keep interrogating me, Akira....

"You made it seem like you did hate me. Look, I wasn't interested in that girl." Akira brought it up. He wants to play his hands on Takanori's waist like he always does when apologizing about something, but he can't now can he?

"Well, it kinda looked like it. Either way, you should've stopped her, then, maybe I would've--"

"Taka, watch out!!" Akira had suddenly pushed Takanori out of the way as a reckless driver came speeding down the road and took a rough turn, crashing into the building. Takanori was pushed to the ground and Akira was on top of him. Thank god no one was hurt, but that driver.

Takanori panted in fear and looked at Akira in his eyes.

He saved me....

Takanori could've been injured, or maybe even killed. Akira stood up, helping Takanori up from the ground.

The vehicle was smoking and the sound of ambulances came from down the street and around the corner. Takanori backed up a little along with Akira as the ambulance came by, doing their job. Takanori rubbed his arm and looked down a bit shameful. Akira happened to look over and stood in front of Takanori, lightly lifting his chin up.

"Takanori, I'm sorry..." Akira's voice, so deep and seductive. So, forgiving and lovable. Takanori's eyes, again being hypnotized by Akira's strong and sexy glare. "Take me back..."

Takanori blushed at those words, seeing the seriousness in Akira's eyes and hearing it from his voice. "I...." Takanori didn't know what to say.

Yes? No? Maybe? ....

This was hard for Takanori. Way too hard. But wait, Akira just saved him, Akira apologized....what else is Takanori waiting for?

Ahh....those three words...

"D-Do you....do you love...me?" Takanori asked shyly and looked up at Akira again.

"Yes. I really do." Akira's response was quick.

"Are you sure?"


"P-prove it." Takanori chewed his lower lip.

"Okay." Akira's lips pulled into a smirk and he leaned in, connecting their lips. Takanori missed his lips so much. He craved for those lips. Just to show how much he missed them and how much he loved him, his arms wrapped around Akira's neck, Takanori trying to deepen the kiss whilst standing on his tippy toes to reach Akira a little.

"I missed you so much." Akira said in between kisses. Takanori smiled in the kiss, and sighed.

Then, they pulled off slowly. Their lips disconnecting. They turned their attention to the ambulance, the people surrounding there and the guy that was injured was being put on a gurny(?) and into the ambulance. A tow truck came in to take the recked amd drove away, ambulances leaving anf the people gone. The police officers taped the small area of the wall that was broken by the car.

"Aki-chan..." Takanori looked up at Akira.

"Yeah?" Akira looked at Takanori.

"Nothing. I just miss calling you that." Takanori smiled sweetly.

"You know what else I miss?" Akira asked with a smirk.


"You being naked on my bed." Akira winked and lifted Takanori from his waist and hugged him, then put him down.

"Oooh, Aki-chan."

Oh, Aki-chan. I missed you so much...

||A/N: Okay! So how was this chapter??? XD please tell meh waht u think lovelies. No typos??||

A Pretty Gay Fantasy, A Luscious TouchWhere stories live. Discover now