Bad Addictions

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"He's back."

Words I never want to hear from Trisha Banks.

Dave is back. Dave, as in Trisha's ex fiancé.

I embrace her and try to comfort her for as long as she needs. I've never witnessed Trisha truly afraid of something, someone. She never did tell me if things turned physical, and I could never stomach even the thought of it, so I couldn't ask her. Once it was over, she refused to talk about it again. That's her thing. When something is over, she moves on. She doesn't look back. She's strong. Until she's not. Trisha isn't strong when it comes to Dave.

She cries in my arms, not caring if anyone can hear. At this point, all she needs is someone to hold her and assure her everything is gonna be ok.

I pull her into the water with me so she's not cold and say nothing. I don't ask questions knowing Trisha will tell me when she's ready.

While letting her fall apart in my arms, I start to put the pieces together. Something happened. Enough to make her ask Paul to watch over her while she ran errands. That's why he was her shadow. All this time, I thought her and Paul had a thing going on, but the reality was that she needed a bodyguard.

This has happened before.

Dave comes back.

 He gets into her head.

 He plays mind games with her. 

He's the only one who can break her. He's manipulative and is the one person that's able to fuck with her head. Make her believe things have changed, that he's changed. How he breaks her down the way he does, no one will understand, but he's her unhealthy addiction. After she broke off their engagement she moved on like always without looking back, but it didn't take long for her to fall into his trap. This will be the third time.

Trisha is such a smart, intelligent, headstrong, independent woman. A force to be reckoned with, but when it comes to Dave, everything changes. He had this hold on her for so long. No matter how many times I brought it to her attention she couldn't see it for herself. Not until it was too late. Dave is good at what he does, I'll give the bastard that much. He knows how to play the fucking game.

I thought he moved away. I'm pretty sure his job relocated him to Seattle. Why is he here? What does Trisha mean when she says he's back? Back temporarily? Back for good? So many thoughts run through my head but I stay silent like she needs me to in this moment. Trisha doesn't need me to fix shit. She doesn't need me to intervene in any way. She just needs me to be available. The shoulder to cry on- figuratively and literally.

After few minutes of letting out her emotions, she loosens her grip around my waist. While one arm holds her, I reach over to turn the water temperature a little warmer for her, rest my cheek on the top of her head and stroke her back in a soothing manner.

I still can't believe that fucker is back.



We don't make it to James's house. We barely make it back to my room. Dripping wet from the pool with our clothes sticking to our bodies, we let the hotel door slam loudly behind us.

James let's go of my hand and cups my face to continue our kissing. He backs me up to the bed slowly lowering me down.

I watch James take off his damp shirt, always admiring the work he's put into his body. Every single muscle on his tan skin chiseled to perfection. Even though my skin is damp from the pool and cold from the air, the blood in my veins boils hot.

We're finally alone.

I peel off my own shirt and without hesitation we both take off the rest of our clothes, leaving them in a wet pile on the floor. My hair is still wet and starting to form wild waves but I don't care. I run my fingers through it the best I can before James grabs the back of my head and pulls me up to my knees. He stands in front of me and puts one knee on the mattress while his mouth trails down my neck. His breath hitches when my fingers gently rake down his chest, his abs, and settle on his hips, pulling him flush against my body.

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