Because Of You

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Casey comes for her shift a little early tonight. I think she wants to spend time with Jonah. She's good for him. They stand  near the nurses station leaning on the desk, chatting away.  Jonah has a good head on his shoulders. He's taking things slow. Doing it the right way. Not like most other people here in L.A. Certainly not like myself.

 I watch them flirt and can't help but smile until I look back over at Jules. Something isn't right with her. She's been lying on her side, shaking and quietly crying for hours now.

This is more than just her detox. She won't talk to anyone or even look at anyone in the eyes, and I wonder how she's going to be when it's time for her to eat dinner.  The only time I hear her speak is when she is wheeled over to James, and even then, it's in a soft whisper so no one can make out what she's saying.

Casey is really good with Jules. Maybe she will be able to help her with this depression she is in.

"Heyyy. I heard you haven't had the best day today." Casey walks in and looks at Julia with sympathy. She sits on the corner of the bed and attempts to pat Julia's arm. Julia flinches at her touch so much Casey immediately stands up and takes a step back.

"Ok. Ok. I feel ya. Listen. I know you had a hard time keeping food down, so I ordered Panera soup and bread to be doordashed for you tonight. Does that sound better? Panera soup?"

Julia stares at the wall across from her and nods. 

That was really nice of Casey to do. She's always thinking of ways to help.

"And I know you're shaky and all. But if you're able... maybe you can help me wash James up a little? You do it better than everyone else. He'd probably like that, huh. Only if you feel ok. No pressure." Casey leans against the wall with her hands in her scrub pants pockets.

Julia nods, still not making eye contact.

Casey picks up Julia's chart to scan over it and then flips the page, furrowing her brows a little at something.

"Looks like nurse Miriam gave you a shower." She knees down in front of Julia, so Julia has no choice but to look at her.

"Hey," Casey whispers, and I can barely make out what she's saying. "Have you been having regular bowel movements lately?"

Julia shrugs, not really paying attention to Casey even though she's looking right at her.

"It says in the notes you've had some bleeding, but you don't get your period. Do you want me to examine you to take a look? Nothing invasive. Just look to be sure everything's ok?"

Julia begins to cry and shakes her head no. What the hell is wrong with her today?

"Ok, ok. Well, if you change your mind or anything gets worse, just let me know, ok Julia?" Casey stands back up and puts Julia's chart away. She then walks over to my bed and sits on the edge.

"Has she been like this all day?"

"ALL day. The only time she spoke was when she talked to James. Oh.. and.." I lower my voice to a whisper. "She mentioned to Jonah earlier that she doesn't want Doctor Donovan to treat her anymore. But she changed her tune the minute Jeremy came back into the room for something."

"Yeah, Jonah told me that before he clocked out. I wonder if it's because he put her in the restraints. I get it when she is having an episode, but to do it when she is calm.. I can't say I agree with that strategy. Though I'm just the nurse. Not the doctor." Casey huffs. "I'm gonna keep an eye on things tonight and see how things go. For now, she's calm, and Jeremy isn't here. I don't see a reason to put her back in restraints until she does something. He may come in  and do it  but at least for now, while it's just me, she'll be free, so those wounds on her wrists and ankles can heal a little."

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