You And Me

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It's been two weeks at home, and to say it's been an adjustment is an understatement.  James had his follow-up appointment already, and Dr. Giovanni is unsure when he will start talking again but believes he will eventually. He doesn't seem too concerned.

He does not believe James has any significant brain damage, but he does believe the head trauma will take a long time to heal. He reminds us that patience is key. But with James unable to talk and say what he needs, he gets very frustrated very easily. Sometimes downright angry, which Julia said is not like him at all. We know a lot plays into that, but I'm hoping his personality hasn't changed because of the head trauma. It's all too common.

It's been two weeks, and James can ALMOST stand on his own. Balance is an issue still as well as fine motor skills, but again, all the doctors seem to believe everything will come back to him... in time. 

James no longer needs a cathetar or an IV and will communicate by tapping his thigh over and over again when he needs to use the bathroom. That is the one thing he will let Jonah or Casey help him with, knowing Julia can not hold him up.


The only person James will listen to  is Julia.

 The only person he will let feed him is Julia. 

The only person who he will let bathe him is Julia.

 When someone else tries, he gets very frustrated, furrows his brow, shakes his head, and makes it known that he is not happy.

Julia doesn't seem to mind and is excellent with taking care of him. She's extremely patient. It's almost like she can read his mind and knows exactly what he wants when he wants it. Where as the rest of us just can't seem to figure him out.

Even during physical therapy- They have their sessions together, here at my house- James will only listen to Julia and do what she says, so she is constantly repeating the physical therapist so that he will do as told.

 He has regular healthy bodily functions any male would have, including erections, especially when Julia bathes him. She just shakes her head, and he smirks at her, like he knows it's funny.  But he doesn't know how to make it go away since he has no eye-hand coordination, so sometimes he gets frustrated, needing relief. The real and normal James is trapped in this body that doesn't work and inside, he still wants Julia, so he is always finding ways to flirt with her. I swear the guy gets a hard on whenever Julia enters the room.  Obviously, Julia just ignores it like a nurse would.  Julia would actually make an outstanding nurse....if only she could take care of herself.

On a few occasions, James will kiss her on the lips and hold her. She lets him, knowing he's in there somewhere, and I don't know how I feel about that, but she loves him and misses him.  He hasn't tried to go further... yet... but when he does,  Julia's gonna have to put a stop to it. Then again, this IS Julia we're talking about.

Speaking of Julia. She can get around in a boot she has to wear with her crutches and is starting to regain her strength. She is at the halfway mark of her detox.

  But she still needs a lot of care.  Every night, she has nightmares.  Every single night.  She cries,  she stops eating, she gets mad,  she throws things when she's frustrated with life, with the memories of her trauma.

We let her. We let her because if we were ever dealt the hand that she's been dealt, we would be the same exact way with this life. Physically, she's healed from the rape. Mentally... not even close. 

The positive with her taking care of James is how it has given Julia the feeling of having a purpose. A reason to live. It gets her mind off of all the bad things that have happened to her and all the trauma in her life. She feels like she has a purpose now by taking care of her best friend, for as long as he needs it.

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