I Remember Everything

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I take Julia's hand and we leave Sullivan's, quickly getting into the safety of the SUV with tinted windows. My driver doesn't question a thing. He's been my personal driver for about 10 years, and like everyone else, he gets paid well enough to keep his mouth shut and focus on his job. He gives me a "Good evening, sir." and off we go, much earlier than usual for me as it's barely 9pm.

On the way home Julia rests her head on my lap and I comb my fingers through her long brown hair. I feel her  body relax as she starts to fall asleep. The whiskey is leaving my body but I think with her being, maybe 110 lbs, it's lingering in her system longer.

We pull into the parking garage of my building and I nudge the sleeping beauty to wake her. There's no way she could have possibly fallen into a deep sleep within the 10 minute drive.

"Mmmhmm , one more minute." But Julia doesn't move to get out of the SUV. She is still half asleep and won't budge.

"We're here, c'mon... time to go. Let's sober you up a little, yeah?" I nudge her again. She's still a little drunk and tired.

"Just one more minute.." She says sleepily.

I lean down and kiss near her ear. "Jules. We're home."

"Mmmhmm....Carry me in, Nate Hollan." She smirks, with her eyes still closed as I get out of the car.

"I suppose..." I laugh and scoop her up out of the car and carry her into the elevator. Unfortunately for me, even though the night is young and we had other "plans", by the time we get up to my flat Julia is out cold. I feel her become dead weight in my arms as she rests her head on my chest. She is in a deep sleep. There is no way I'm going to wake her. I know she hasn't been sleeping at night. I fumble to balance her and press the keypad numbers to unlock my door and finally get us inside my flat. I spin quickly to disable my alarm and carry her through the main living area and down the hall to my bedroom.

Once on my bed, I take her shoes off and get her under the covers. She immediately curls up into a ball and is fast asleep like a child. I kiss the top of her head and brush her hair away from her face. Sitting there next to Julia, as she sleeps in my bed, I realize just how deep I've fallen for this woman. And in such a short time.

I'm so screwed.

I can't imagine her husband just fucking leaving her when she needed someone the most. Who the hell does that? He was her FUCKING HUSBAND. Just the thought makes my blood boil . Julia looks so peaceful right now. So beautiful. I can't imagine ever leaving her side. I feel a lump in my throat just thinking of someone doing that to her.

"I will never give up on you, Darling." I lean down and kiss her forehead . I then grab a bottle of water and a bottle of Tylenol to leave on my nightstand for her. She's going to need that when she wakes up.

Once I know she is all set I head to the bathroom for my usual routine, take my shirt and pants off , leaving me in just my boxer briefs and climb into bed next to her. With her lying next to me, looking so peaceful and safe, it doesn't take me long to fall asleep myself.



I wake up to a ray of sunlight coming through thick dark gray curtains of sliders that takes up an entire wall. Confused as to where I am, I sit up and look over at the sleeping man next to me.

I'm in Nate Hollan's home. In his bed. In his king sized bed, at that. With him sleeping next to me. Did we...? And did I actually fall asleep and sleep all night? A small alarm clock on a dresser reads 6:37 am. I can't remember the last time I have slept for more than a few hours .I wrack my brain trying to remember last night's detail but don't get very far. I'm fully clothed still...right down to my black leggings. I don't think I would have gotten fully dressed after. I'd remember everything.

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