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Few Days Laters after the event of the "The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!" Episode.
In a time outside any dimension, forever away and an eternity ago.
Arceus walked around his territory, guarding the space, time, and dimension.

A few minutes later, Arceus senses the disaster that destroy the entire region in the brink of their eye.

Arceus summoned Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina for the disaster of their own territories.

Giratina: [Telepathy] "What did you summon us, Arceus? Is something wrong?"

Palkia: [Telepathy] "Yeah, you better explain it, or else we're going to fight at your territory."

Arceus: [Telepathy] "I summoned you guys here because we have a very big problem right now."

Dialga: [Telepathy] "What is the very big problem, Arceus?"

Arceus: [Telepathy] "In the next few minutes, I don't know exactly when it will happen, but we will experience the disasterous ecosystem in our world that we have guarded."

Giratina: [Telepathy] "I don't really like that, and you may continue, Arceus?"

Arceus: [Telepathy] "Kalos Region is about to be completely eradicated, and all Pokemon, our assets, and their people are going to obliterate."

Palkia: [Telepathy] "All we know is that our Zygarde destroyed its own roots, which were caused by Lysandre, who was also killed in action. How is Kalos going to be destroy, explain it?"

Arceus: [Telepathy] "I know, but we better act fast before..."

Suddenly, their dimension started shaking, and three legendary Pokemon were shocked at Arceus.

Kalos Region has been destroyed! All regions experience extreme earthquakes. All Pokemon and people are panicking due to an unknown disaster. All Flying type pokemon started soar into the sky. 

Meanwhile, in an outskirts unknown town in the Kanto Region, Ash Ketchum and Pikachu start experiencing an extreme earthquake.

Ash Ketchum: "HOLD ON PIKACHU! We better stay away from buildings, tree and bridges."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika pi!]"

The earthquake was finally gone, and Ash and his pikachu, along with other Pokemon, finally calmed down.

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu, are you alright?"

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikachu!]"

Ash Ketchum: "We better head out to the Pokemon Center to check what is going on."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika.]"

Ash and Pikachu start running as fast as they can to the Pokemon Center to check on them.
A few minutes later, Ash and Pikachu finally reach the Pokemon Center, and they see lots of people, and Pokemon are scared after the earthquake.

Ash started asking Nurse Joy about the earthquake.

Ash Ketchum: "Nurse Joy, what's going on here?"

Nurse Joy: "We don't know what happened here, but we have not experienced this disaster; it was also experienced in whole regions like Sinnoh, Johto, Alola, and many more."

Ash Ketchum: "Are you serious, Nurse Joy! They might be caused by Team Rocket or some other organization for hunting legendary Pokemon or maybe something."

Nurse Joy: "It could be right, but we don't know yet and we are clueless to this disaster."

Officer Jenny: "Nurse Joy, we better open the television for news, quick."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika?]"

Ash Ketchum: "What's happened, Officer Jenny?" 

Officer Jenny: "Just look at the news."

Nurse Joy Turned On the Television, and breaking news popped up. Kalos Region is gone and has completely obliterated all Kalos Pokemon. People have died, and no one is to be found. All people over the region were  shocked by these news stories. Some of them are very scared, traumatized, sadness and lost of their friends and family.

Ash Ketchum: "It can be...!"

Meanwhile: In a time outside any dimension, forever away and an eternity ago.

Dialga: [Telepathy] "You're right, Arceus."

Giratina: [Telepathy] "How are we going to fix this mess? We better fix it as soon as possible!"

Arceus: [Telepathy] "The only way to fix it is to stop Lysandre's plan by through time travel."

Palkia: [Telepathy] "Time travel is prohibited to our rules."

Dialga: [Telepathy] "I know right, Palkia."

Giratina: [Telepathy] "Arceus is right, and we have no choice but to follow Arceus plan."

Arceus: [Telepathy] "I know the guy, and he is pure-hearted regardless of all the pokemon he's encountered."

Dialga: [Telepathy] "Do you mean... Of course. Do your thing now."

Arceus summoned three Celebi (Time Travel Pokemon) for their objectives.
All three summoned Celebi and started listening to Arceus, and then it teleported.


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