Aftermath! Chapter #18 Goodbye Kalos! Kanto Bound!

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The next day, a few hours later, before their flight to the Kanto Region.
Clemont and Bonnie ask their father in his workshop, who accepts their request to go to Kanto alongside their friends, and Clemont and Bonnie start packing to go with their friend at the Pokemon Center.
At the Pokemon Center, Ash and Serena talked to Grace while calling the phone book area with a face cam, and she was happy about Serena and Ash's engagement.
She said.

Grace Yvonne: "Please, Ash, take care of my beloved daughter, and Serena, take care of yourself, please!"

Serena answered her mother.

Serena Yvonne: "Don't worry, mom, I will take care of myself."

Ash also answered Grace.

Ash Ketchum: "Do not worry, Serena's mother, I will take care of her."

Three of them exchange good-bye, and they end the call. They were waiting Clemont and Bonnie. Serena asks Ash about their future.

Serena Yvonne: "Umm, Ash, where are we going after we stay in Kanto for a while?"

Ash answered on Serena.

Ash Ketchum: "I don't know for now, but our destiny will bring us there, and I hope for our new journey into a new region."

Serena smiled at Ash, and she said.

Serena Yvonne: "Whenever you are going, I will follow you, and I will always support you no matter what."

A few minutes later, after their conversation and waiting, Clemont and Bonnie finally arrived. Bonnie was so excited, she said.

Bonnie: "Alright, guys, let's go to Kanto."

Clemont Ash and Serena awkwardly while seeing Bonnie excited to go to Kanto alongside her Dedenne. Ash smiled in response.

Ash Ketchum: "We are going now to my home in the Kanto Region!"

The next day, while their plane finally landed at Kanto Airport,

They grab their bags and their belongings and Ash starts leading the way alongside his girlfriend, Serena, and their friends Clemont and Bonnie to Pallet Town, where Ash lives. While they journeyed to Pallet Town, Serena was amazed that the Kanto Region had seen little change since she was 6 years old. Bonnie is amazed at how many Kantonian Pokemon.
A few hours later, they approach Pallet Town. Ash started responding to his friends.

Ash Ketchum: "Alright guys, we are now here at Pallet Town! It has been 4 months since I was here once more after my journey to Unova."

Serena is smiling to see Pallet Town.

Serena Yvonne: "Pallet Town is kind of a little change, but good thing I am back since I was 6 years old during Summer Camp."

Clemont also amazed the beautiful Pallet Town.

Clemont: "So this is Ash's hometown, a peaceful place. Anyway, Ash, where is your home?"

Ash answered Clemont.

Ash Ketchum: "We are almost there anyway."

A few minutes later, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie arrived at Ash's home. Ash started knocking on the door, and he'd open it.

Ash Ketchum: I'm home!

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika!]

Delia Ketchum started greeting her son's homecoming.

Delia Ketchum: "Welcome back, boys. You must be exhausted from your travels. Anyway, I didn't know you brought the visitor, and who are they anyway?"

Clemont Serena and Bonnie start greeting Delia.

Clemont: "You must be Mrs. Ketchum. My name is Clemont."

Bonnie: "I am Bonnie, and this is Dedenne!"

Dedenne: "[Dedenne!]"

Delia Ketchum: "Hi Clemont, Bonnie, and Dedenne, nice to see you guys. My name is Delia Ketchum, Ash's mother, obviously, and that Mr. Mime you see is my Mimey."

Bonnie: "Waw, your Mimey is so cool!"

Delia Ketchum: "And who is this beautiful girl?"

Serena Yvonne: "Hi, Mrs. Ketchum, my name is Serena Yvonne!"

Delia Ketchum: "Serena? Are you the girl rescued by my son back in the Professor Oak's Summer Camp?"

Serena Yvonne: "That's me, Mrs. Ketchum!"

Delia Ketchum: "My dear, you are now a beautiful young girl, and it is nice to see you once more."

Serena Yvonne: "Thank you, Mrs. Ketchum."

Delia Ketchum: "So how are you guys on journey with Ash in the Kalos Region?"

Clemont: "It fun and I got lot learn from him and giving me inspiration from him."

Bonnie: "Ash is a nice boy and the bravest."

Delia Ketchum: "And what about you, Serena? What do you think of Ash?"

Serena Yvonne: "Since I saw him, I have reunited with him and traveled alongside him throughout the Kalos Region. And don't anger me, Mrs. Ketchum, because me and Ash are now dating!"

Delia Ketchum: "You dating with my son?"

Serena Yvonne: "Yes, Mrs. Delia and why?"

Delia Ketchum: "My dear, I'm not angry at you because I am so very proud that Ash finally found someone that he perfect with him, and you are always welcome here, Serena."

Serena Yvonne: "Why thank you, Mrs. Ketchum?"

Delia Ketchum: "And Ash, please do not do anything stupid with Serena. Just give her a love."

Ash Ketchum: "I know mom"

Delia Ketchum: "That my boy! Alright, I will make some dinner, so you guys come here now."

Kalos Friends: "Alright, thanks, Mrs. Ketchum!"

Delia Ketchum: "Your welcome! Ash, you better tour them in our house while I make dinner."

Ash Ketchum: "I will, mom."

Ash gives his friends a tour of his house, and inside his bedroom, they will see his achievements in the past during his journey.

Bonnie: "Wow Ash, you got so many badges, some participation awards, and some trophy."

Clemont: "Yeah, Ash, and I didn't know you won your first ever Pokemon League?"

Ash Ketchum: "Indeed, my first Orange Island's Pokemon League Trophy back in the Orange Island Archipelago."

Serena Yvonne: "So, Ash, are we going to Professor Oak's lab?"

Ash Ketchum: "Obviously, Serena, but we are going on tomorrow."

Serena Yvonne: "Understood my boyfriend."

To be Continue!

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