Aftermath! Chapter #14: Ash vs Diantha Part #2

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Diantha has five pokemon left, including her Gourgeist, while Ash Ketchum still has a full party of Pokemon. Diantha has now started her offensive.

Diantha: "Gourgeist use Trick-Or-Treat!"

Gourgeist forms a white sphere of energy in front of its body while images of jack-o'-lanterns appear behind it. Multiple white ghosts are then released from the sphere and fly into the Ash's Snivy, adding Ghost to the Snivy's type.

Ash, confusing and shocking, asks a question about Trick or Treat.

Ash Ketchum: "What is the Trick-or-Treat?"

Diantha answered on Ash.

Diantha: "Simple, every time I use Trick-Or-Treat once per Pokemon that you call on, any pokemon type will become a ghost type."

Ash's shocking response, Diantha.

Ash Ketchum: "Wait! Doesn't mean"

Diantha responded to him and started her offensive.

Diantha: "Yes, you got that right. Your ghost type also has a weakness against the ghost type, so Gourgeist, use Shadow Sneak!"

Gourgeist creates a shadow on the ground, which extends past the opponent. The shadow then attacks the Ash's Snivy and took super effective.

Snivy took super effective damage against Ghost Type. Ash's response to his Snivy.

Ash Ketchum: "Are you alright, Snivy?"

Snivy was fine, but suddenly Diantha commanded her Gourgeist,

Diantha: "Gourguests use Phantom Force!"

Gourgeist creates a purple portal beneath itself and sinks into it. Ash command Snivy use Dodge but seconds later, another portal appears from behind to the opponent, and Gourgeist comes out of it and attack the Snivy. Snivy took another super effective hit and flew down, and Snivy fainted.

Referee: "Snivy is unable to battle! The winners is Gourguest!"

Now both sides have five pokemon each, and the audience in Lumiose City goes wild and roars. Clemont said.

Clemont: "I can't believe that Trick-or-Treat is so powerful, and Trickery and Ash need to find the way to defeat Gourgiest."

Serena responded also.

Serena Yvonne: "I knew Ash had something that we might not see yet, but let's see, and I knew he was going to find the way."

Ash responded to his second Pokemon on the battlefield.

Ash Ketchum: "Your up, Pikachu, saw her what you got."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika!]"

Diantha has now started her trickery move on her gourgiest.

Diantha: "Gourgeist use Trick-Or-Treat!"

Gourgeist forms a white sphere of energy in front of its body while images of jack-o'-lanterns appear behind it. Multiple white ghosts are then released from the sphere and fly into the Ash's Pikachu, adding Ghost to the Pikachu's type.

Both sides start their offensive.

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu uses Quick Attack."

A Pikachu start runs, a white or silver trail of energy is created behind it but suddenly.

Diantha: "Gourguest, Shadow Sneak!"

Gourgeist creates a shadow on the ground, which extends past the Pikachu. The shadow managed to attack Pikachu while running toward Gourgiest and took super effective. Ash's concerning response to Pikachu

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu, are you alright?"

Ash's Pikachu: "[PIKA!]"

Diantha commands her Gourgeist.

Diantha: "Let's end this with Phantom Force!"

Ash determined the response to Pikachu.

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu now has the time to use the secret weapon that we haven't used since our journey in Sinnoh."

And Pikachu is now ready to execute his plan.

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu just like old time, use COUNTER SHIELD!"

Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, Sawyer, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor were shocked on Ash's Counter Shield. Clemont said.

Clemont: "Pikachu can't learn Counter Shield, and also, there is no Counter Shield Move!"

Pikachu spins on his back while using Thunderbolt to form an electric barrier in order to protect himself from the Gourgeist's attacks. Gourgiest took multiple hits from the thunderbolt that spun on the battlefield.

Diantha's surprising and shocking response.

Diantha: "Gourgeist, are you okay?"

Ash Ketchum starts his offensive, while Diantha is going to counterattack.

Ash Ketchum: "Pikachu now uses Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu releases a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from its body strike to the Gourgeist.

Diantha: "Gourgeist, use Shadow Sneak!"

Gourgeist creates a shadow on the ground, which extends past the opponent. Gourguest has been stroked by the Thunderbolt from Pikachu while the shadow then attacks the Ash's Pikachu and took super effective. And both sided double knockout!

Referee: "Pikachu and Gourgeist are both unable to battle!"

The audience roared wide! And Commentator responded!

Commentator: "Listen to the crowd's roar! This is unbelievable a double knockout!"

Serena responded after seeing what the Counter Shield looked like.

Serena Yvonne: "That Counter Shield was so impressive, and I didn't know that was good for offense and defense."

Clemont also responded to the call.

Clemont: "I know right but where he got the idea from Counter Shield, and I need to learn that move that is useful for my experience. But now it is double knockout."

Bonnie is amazed at Counter Shield.

Bonnie: "Yeah, but that CounterShield is so rock!"

Diantha is impressed by the Ash strategy.

Diantha: "Incredible, Ash, and you always come out with unpredictable tactics."

Ash happily answered Diantha.

Ash Ketchum: "Yeah, and I knew it, you were going to use that trickery move that our pokemon both knocked out."

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