Aftermath! Chapter #19 Meet my Pokemon and Serena's Training!

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In the morning at Pallet Town, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie arrived at Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Clemont: "So this is Professor Oak's place! It's kind of a basic place for me."

Bonnie: "At least, brother, it's keeping an old tradition."

Clemont: "I guess so, Bonnie."

Serena Yvonne: "This place has never changed since I was in summer camp."Ash starts knocking on the door.

Ash Ketchum: "Professor Oak, I am back from Kalos."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikachu!]"

Professor Oak opened the door, and he saw Ash and his friend.

Professor Oak: "Oh, welcome back, my boy! So who is your new friend?"

Clemont: "My name is Clemont, and I am the young inventor and current Lumiose Gym Leader."

Bonnie: "My name is Bonnie, and this is my partner, Dedenne!"

Professor Oak: "It was such a great honor to meet a young inventor and you two, Bonnie and Dedenne! And you young girl, something I recognize you for and that we met before."

Serena Yvonne: "It was Serena, and I went to your summer camp. Remember me?"

Professor Oak: "I remember you now! You're the girl rescued by Ash, isn't that right?"

Serena Yvonne: "That's right, Professor!"

Ash Ketchum: "Umm Professor?"

Professor Oak: "I know, Ash. Your Pokemon awaits you right now! You better go and visit it."

Ash Ketchum: "Thanks Professor"

Professor Oak: "You are welcome, Ash!"

Ash and his friend go to his pokemon to reunite, and he approaches his pokemon in the breeding area outside of Professor Oak Lab.

Ash Ketchum: "Hey guys, Bulbasaur, Talonflame, Gliscor, Snorlax, and others, I am back!"

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikapi!]

All of his pokemon are happy to see Ash and go toward him to see him.

Serena Yvvone: "Wow, Ash, I didn't know you had so many Pokemon!"

Bonnie: "Indeed, right, Serena, especially this cute Oshawott."

Clemont: "Indeed, and I didn't know you also got Gible. And is that your shiny Noctowl? I can't believe you, Ash. You got the rarest Pokemon."

Bonnie: "I shiny Noctowl! I am first time see the shiny Noctowl and also what is that smoke that approaching toward us?"

Ash Ketchum: "Is that my Tauros?"

Ash go here his Tauros heading and horde of Tauros coming toward Ash.

Serena Yvvone: "Your Tauros, Ash?"

Ash Ketchum: "Indeed, right, Serena! Anyway, hey Tauros! I am here. Come..."

Tauros crashed Ash into the air, and after a split few seconds, he fell down to his Muk.

Ash Ketchum : "Thanks Muk!"

Muk hugged Ash with his gooey body for saying hi to him.

Ash Ketchum: "I miss you too, Muk!"

Serena Yvonne: "Ash, are you okay? And what is Muk doing to you?"

Ash Ketchum: "My Muk always likes that, but I am fine anyway."

Serena Yvonne: "Your Muk truly misses you so much!"

Ash Ketchum: "Indeed, right, Serena."

Serena Yvonne: "And also, how many Tauros did you get?"

Ash Ketchum: "About 30 Tauros."

Serena Yvonne: "You got the 30 Tauros! I can't believe you have a horde of Tauros."

Ash Ketchum: "I know right, Serena, and I am always..."

Suddenly, Bayleef tackled Ash.

Serena Yvonne: "Ash!"

Bayleef attracts Ash by saying hello and having a miss for her.

Ash Ketchum: "Bayleef, good to see your body!"

Ash's Bayleef: "[Bay Bay!]"

Serena Yvonne: "Your Bayleef is truly missing you, Ash, as well."

Ash Ketchum: "Yeah, she's always doing that, but I am always fine with my Pokemon."

Serena Yvonne: "That is why the bond between you and your Pokemon is truly unique."

Ash Ketchum: "You got that right, Serena."

Clemont and Bonnie, alongside Ash's Pokemon, are approaching Ash.

Ash Ketchum: "Hey guys, this is our friend Clemont, Bonnie, and my girlfriend Serena, and please say hi to them!"

All Ash's Pokemon are welcoming Ash's friend.

Ash Ketchum: "Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie start to introduce our Pokemon!"



Ash's Greninja, Sceptile, Charizard, and Snivy, while Serena's Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon, and Clemont's Luxray, Bunnelby, and Chespin released from their pokeball and started hanging out with Ash's Pokemon!

All of their pokemon started greeted with other Ash's Pokemon.

Oshawott is playing with Pancham, Chespin, Pikachu, Corphish, and Dedenne!

Greninja reunited with his Kalos Team, but except for Talonflame, who was hanging out with other flying-type pokemon.

Sylveon is also hanging out with Snivy, Leavanny, Bayleef, and Bulbasaur. Luxray relaxing alongside Ash Pokemon included Charizard, Snorlax, Sceptile, Infernape, and some others.Bonnie is playing with Ash's Totodile while Clemont is making a new machine.

Serena starts a conversation with Ash for Counter Shield.

Serena Yvonne: "Hey Ash?"

Ash Ketchum: "Yeah?"

Serena Yvonne: "Can you teach me your Counter Shield?"

Ash Ketchum: "But why, Serena, and why would you like to learn for my Counter Shield?"

Serena Yvonne: "Because I need to learn it for my future battles and Pokemon Showcase or a Pokemon Contest."

Ash Ketchum: "I guess we're going to start out training."

Meanwhile, on the open field.

Ash Ketchum: "Counter Shield has its own style, just like Pokemon Top Coordinator and Pokemon Showcase on each certain pokemon, like Braixen."

Serena Yvonne: "So we can't copy what your Pikachu is doing to create the Counter Shield?"

Ash Ketchum: "Percisely, because your Braixen is holding a staff, try to do like you did in the Pokemon Showcase."

Serena Yvonne: "I see. Alright, Braixen, use the flamethrower and start spinning your hand to make the flame surround you."

Braixen used her flamethrower to start making her spin, but failed.

Ash Ketchum: "It might take a while, Serena, but just keep trying."

Serena Yvonne: "I will, Ash, and I need to learn it."

While Ash was watching his girlfriend's training for his Counter Shield tactics, Many attempts failed, but Serena and Braixen won't give up. And after a few hours...

Serena Yvonne: "One more time! Flamethrower!

Braixen uses her flamethrower via her staff and starts spinning to herself, which creates the fire voltex and a fire tornado to protect herself."

Ash Ketchum: "Well, you did it, Serena! You learned the Counter Shield."

Serena Yvonne: "Thank you, Ash."

Serena hugged Ash and started kissing him.

Ash Ketchum: "Your welcome, Serena, and you better keep practicing the Counter Shield to master it."

Serena Yvonne: "I will, Ash."

Serena is about to start mastering the Counter Shield on her Braixen. Ash said.

Ash Ketchum: "Hey Serena, what about your Sylveon? Your Sylveon can also learn to Counter Shield via her Fairy Wind."

Serena Yvonne: "I will do that tomorrow, Ash! And I need to master it first on Braixen before my Sylveon."

Ash Ketchum: "Understood Serena."

Serena continues to command Braixen to master her own Counter Shield.

To be Continue!

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