Chapter #1: Back in Time!

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Two days later, in the forest in Kanto Region, Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu started roaming to their destination. Ash is feeling anxiously about the tragedy of the Kalos Region.

Ash Ketchum: "I can't believe this Pikachu! Kalos Region was completely obliterated."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika pi..]"

Ash Ketchum: "I know you are sad, Pikachu, but we don't know what we do now after the massive disaster that shocked most of us."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika...?]"

Ash Ketchum: "Hopefully, we need to find a way to help them and prevent it before it too late."

Suddenly, Celebi appear at the front of the ash and pikachu, Celebi start looking at its point of view.Ash and Pikachu start looking at Celebi to see what it is looking for.

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika?]"

Ash Ketchum: "Look, Pikachu, it's Celebi looking at us."

Ash Ketchum: "Hey Celebi, are you examining me and Pikachu? Do you like to battle us or play with us?"

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika!]"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "You're Ash Ketchum! I am not here to battle or play with you because you and your pokemons have the mission to save the people of Kalos Region and our beloved Pokemon."

Ash Ketchum: "Do you mean...?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Indeed, we are going to prevent this disaster by traveling through time."

Ash Ketchum: "What about my five remaining Pokemon, which is I only have Pikachu?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Do not worry about that, because you will see it. Do you accept it?"

Ash Ketchum: "Of course, for the sake of our Pokemon and the people in Kalos Region. I will do it!"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Very well, then."

Ash Ketchum: "Yes! Pikachu, are you ready for our next adventure?"

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikachu!]"

Celebi started using its own ability to travel through time almost a year ago, before the destruction of the Kalos Region.
Ash third time experienced been time travel while his pikachu are second time.

Ash, Pikachu, and Celebi finally arrived at their destination in Lumiouse City in Kalos Region during the episodes of 'The Right Hero for the Right Job and Rocking Kalos Defenses', where they were battling against Team Eclipse and its Red Zygarde (50% Forme).
Celebi has already activated its invisible barrier to not notice them.

Celebi: [Telepathy] "We arrived just in time."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikapi!]"

Ash Ketchum: "Ahh! It's been almost a year since I was here in Kalos Region for the Kalos League, and what exactly are we doing here anyway?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Arceus ordered me to bring you here to destroy Red Zygarde (50% form) before the actual complete form of Zygarde is destroyed. We can't let them do it until Orb must be inside that Red Zygarde."

Ash Ketchum: "What is the orb anyway?"

Celebi shows the AZ Orb to Ash and Pikachu.

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Here! Arceus gave me this AZ Orb that has the power to destroy any destructive disaster that occurs at a certain time, but it only works if this orb is inside the body of that red Zygarde."

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pika!]"

Ash Ketchum: "That's AZ Orb so Incredible!"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Arceus ordered me to bring you here to destroy Red Zygarde (50% form) before the actual complete form of Zygarde is destroyed. We can't let them do it until Orb must be inside that Red Zygarde."

Ash Ketchum: "Wow, that orb is so shiny! Arceus made this?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Indeed, my child. We need to find the way to put the orb inside that Zygarde, either try to eat it or something."

Ash Ketchum: "Alright then! Pikachu, are you ready?"

Ash's Pikachu: "[Pikachu!]"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Not yet for now, Ash!"

Ash Ketchum: "But why?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Oh, finally, my comrades have arrived with your stuff, Ash."

Ash Ketchum: "My stuff?"

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Yes indeed, your five pokemon that you used during the World Coronation series were alongside your mega keystone and three Z crystals with the Z ring."

Ash grabs his five pokeballs and his mega keystone, along with the Z ring and three Z crystals. Ash asked Celebi about his Z rings and three Z crystals.

Ash Ketchum: "Why did I get Icium Z? And why three rings instead of a Dynamax band? I can't use it three times, and I only use it once per day."

Celebi uses its ability to ash's Z rings grant to use atleast three times.

Celebi: [Telepathy] "There, now you have no problem, regardless of your Z Ring and Z Crystals, because the Alola guardian granted us permission to use three crystals and also Tapu Koko gave you the Icium Z for your winning in the World Coronation Series, but uses them for emergencies because Dynamax Band can't be used in Kalos and other regions and only Galar Region."

Ash Ketchum: "That explains it, but thank you Celebi, and thank you, Arceus."

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Arceus is happy about what you are saying right now, and if you need us, just call us, and we will aid you and then make sure it goes unnoticed."

Ash Ketchum: "Ok, I will do my best for the sake of the Kalos Region."

Celebi: [Telepathy] "Good luck, Ash Ketchum!"

Is the Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, alongside his five pokemon that he used in the World Coronation Series that he won, and with his mega keystone, Z rings, and three Z crystals that obtained Icium Z, Firium Z, and Pikashunium Z, able to finish his objective of stopping Red Zygarde from the brink of the destruction of Kalos Region in the next year from now?


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