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The race was about to begin. Both cars were lined up next to each other as a person stood in between them, a white flag in his hand. Juri had gone back to Naeun, excited to watch her favorite racer.

"Who's the guy that's supposed to be racing again?" Naeun asked, raisin her voice so it was audible over the loud music blaring through the speakers. 

"Park Jisung, he's like, the love of my life," Juri replied, her phone already out to film the race. Naeun nodded, turning her attention back to the track.

 The man in the middle waved the white flag. Naeun felt the strong gush of wind hit her face as the cars whizzing by, their engines obnoxiously loud. And the sound of Juri's loud scream right in her ear following right after.

Naeun was feeling a bit paranoid. The cars were going at insane speeds, and the last thing she wanted was to watch someone get terribly hurt tonight. Or even worse. She shook her thoughts off, indulging in the corn dog Juri bought for her as she watched.

"I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO WIN!" Juri practically screeched as the race came to an end. The cars came to a halt. She watched the two men exit their cars, her eyes falling onto the one Juri absolutely adores.

What was his name again? Jisoog or something? She thought in her head as she tilted her head, looking him up and down. She couldn't deny the fact that he was ridiculously handsome and had insane body proportions, which was probably the main reason why so many girls were here tonight. 

. . .

"Good race," Jisung said, shaking the hand of his opponent Jeno.

"Congrats on the win, man," he said back before the two parted ways to tend to their cars. He walked over his mechanic/ best friend.

"Did the car get damaged?" Chenle asked, propping his elbows on the table with his chin in his palms.

"Nothing too serious, I scratched the bumper but that's about it," the boy replied, removing his helmet. He unzipped the neck of his flame resistant suit, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding from how tight it was. He slumped down on the metal chair Chenle was sitting in as his best friend covered up the scratch on the bumper.

"I'm starving," Jisung groaned, stretching out the muscles in his sore neck. "Let's go get lunch after this is over."

As Jisung stood up to receive the cash prize he won, his eyes landed on someone in the crowds. She seemed almost lost and he could immediately tell she'd never been to a race before. There was a bit of mustard smudged on the side of her lip, which made her look even prettier, in Jisung's opinion.

"Be right back, Lele," he patted him on the back, walking over to the crowd. There was a lot less people in the crowds, most of them scrambling off in fear that police would catch them.

The girl was idly looking around, feasting on a corndog. He walked up until he was right behind her. She hadn't noticed him yet, simply resting her elbows on the barrier as she observed everything around the unfamiliar environment.

"Hey," he suddenly said, voice deep and raspy as his breath fanned over her neck. The girl jumped, dropping her hot dog as she spun around, only to find herself inches away from the one and only. Losing her balance, she gripped onto the barrier behind her, looking up at the boy with wide, shocked eyes. He trapped her body, arms on either side of his hands gripped the barrier right next to hers.

A grin spread across his lips as he leaned in, causing the girl to instinctively back up. But there was only so much space, since the barrier was behind her. "What's a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this?" He spoke quietly. 

Naeun couldn't even reply, she was too shocked by the sudden encounter. This certainly wasn't what she was expecting would happen at the race tonight. "Uh..." No words would come out of her mouth, her entire throat went dry.

"Cat got your tongue, darling?" He chuckled lowly. His hand reached up, brushing a strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. "I've never seen you around, you new here?"

"Yeah," she mumbled under her breath, looking everywhere except into his eyes. 

"I take it you're not into street racing?"

"I'm not, I was dragged here," Naeun murmured, trying to wriggle her way out of his grip.

"It's a bit noisy here, don't you think?" He whispered in her ear, his warm minty breath ghosting over her the crook of her neck. A shiver went down Naeun's spine, unable to properly reply to him.  "Want to get out of here?"

"Naeun? Where did you go?"

And as soon as she heard Juri's voice, she did not need to act twice. She head butted Jisung, causing him to stumble back. Naeun immediately rushed over to Juri, trying to distract her from the fact that she was just being pinned up by her favorite racer.

"You ready to go?" Juri asked, twirling the motorcycle keys in her hand.

"I'm more than ready. Let's leave."

. . .

"I think my nose is bleeding," the boy muttered as he returned to Chenle, feeling the warm liquid gushing down from his nostril.

"Woah, what the hell happened to you?" Chenle said, instantly grabbing a tissue and handing to Jisung.

"I just fell in love, Lele," he gushed, sighing.

"Yeah, you fell alright," Chenle muttered under his breath, shaking his head. 

"What if I'll never see her again?" He frowned. "What do I do, Lele?"

"You should take your medication and get some rest," he sighed, helping Jisung sit down. "Just tilt your head back and deal with your nose bleed."

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