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After a month of strenuous physical therapy and recovery, Jisung was discharged from the hospital. It was quite the process, but soon, he regained his movements.

And while his health had returned, his mood had been worse than ever.

Naeun had been incredibly distant and it was killing him inside. She stopped wearing the ring he bought for her, she only talked to him when it was absolutely necessary, and all of the skinship they used to have turned to nothing.

And of course, she made sure to specify that they were just friends, nothing more, nothing less.

He put on a front, always smiling and acting cheerful even when it hurt him inside. He always kept his own couple ring on, even though the girl had stopped wearing hers.

Jisung wished things could go back to the way they were prior to the accident. But he knew they wouldn't anytime soon. 

He watched the rain pour out of his window, a solemn look on his face. He loved watching the rain, but today there was no joy in it. The boy was planning on visiting her today, planning on asking her if he did something or if there was another reason for his behavior.

But he was scared. Scared that she would shun him away, that things would never go back to the way they used to be. But he still wanted to try.

After he finished up lunch, he changed out of his pajamas and grabbed his car keys before rushing out of the door. He was already sweating before he had even got inside his car.

His apartment wasn't too far from the dorms and he arrived quickly. Juri opened the door, her eyes widening upon seeing him. "Hey, why are you here?"

"Is...Is Naeun home?" He said.

"She went out a few hours ago, but she should be back any time soon," Juri replied. "Do you want to come in for a bit?"

Jisung nodded and she let him inside. After taking his shoes off, he took a seat on their plush couch, nervously picking at his cuticle. He was planning out what he was going to say to her inside his head.

"Don't do that, your fingers are going to bleed," Juri said as she noticed his action.

Jisung muttered a quiet 'sorry', tucking his hands away in the pockets of his hoodies so he wouldn't pick at them. He stared at the carpet, gulping as his mind raced.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked him, noticing his nervous gestures.

"Yeah, I am."

"I'm not talking about your health. Is Naeun still..." Juri trailed off, unsure of how to continue.

"That's why I'm here," Jisung spoke quietly, "I want to know why...why she's acting like that and if I did something wrong."

Juri had a good guess on what the reason was, but she didn't tell Jisung. "She's been acting differently as well. I don't know what's going on."

The front door opened and Naeun walked in, grocery bags in her hands. "They didn't have avocados but I got-" She was cut off when she saw Jisung sitting on the couch, looking more nervous than ever. It was weird to see, considering how confident he usually is. 

"W-Why are you here?" She asked, her voice coming off colder than she intended. 

"Just wanted to talk to you, that's it..." he murmured, looking up from the carpet into her eyes.

Juri took the cue and stood up, walking towards the door. "I'm just going to head out for a bit," she said, slipping on her slides and heading out of the door.

Now they were alone.

Naeun awkwardly sat on the couch opposite to him, refusing to make eye contact. Her foot tapped restlessly against the carpet. "So...what did you want to talk about?" 

Jisung took a moment to gather his thoughts, running a hand through his hair before finally speaking up. "Did I...Did I do something?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad," Naeun replied, biting her nails, which was a bad habit she had.

Jisung could tell she was lying instantly. Her nervous demeanor, the way she was avoiding eye contact, it was too obvious. 

"Are you sure? I mean, you've been acting a bit distant these days," he said, deciding to stop beating around the bush and simply going for it.

"No I haven't, what do you mean?" She continued with the act, wanting the conversation to end as soon as possible.

"You know exactly what I mean, Nana. You took your ring off, you don't want me near you anymore, you barely even talk to me...Did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm so-"

"I told you, I lost the ring. It didn't make sense for us to wear couple rings anyway," her voice came out colder than she wanted it to, her defensive and protective instincts kicking in. "Friends don't wear couple rings."


"We're just friends, why don't you ever get that through your head?"

Jisung's hand lowered, his head dropping and his voice came out as a choked whisper. "Right. Just friends."

Haven't updated in a few days, idk I just don't have the motivation to write
Also new cover ;)

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