Ivy Malfoy

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     The morning after receiving her Hogwarts letter, Ivy paid a visit to Diagon Alley along with her mother. The first thing they did was to go to Gringotts and take some money out of their vault, which was located in the deeper parts of the bank.

    "Here, go get your school books," said Mrs. Malfoy, handing Ivy a few Galleons. "I'll go and look at the quills. Your brother said he needed a new one for work."

    "Yes mum," Ivy said before taking the golden coins from her mother and shoving them into her bag. She made her way toward Flourish and Blotts Bookseller shop.
Although before she had even reached the shop, Ivy groaned to herself when a familiar voice called her from behind. Trying to ignore the annoying voice, she kept on walking, hoping that he would give up and leave her alone.

     "Ivy! Hey! Wait up!" The boy called again, finally catching up with her.

     Sighing miserably, Ivy turned around, only to see Barty Crouch Jr. standing right behind her.
     "You weren't trying to avoid me by any chance, were you?" Barty asked, an arrogant smirk playing at the edge of his lips, which always made Ivy want to beat it off with her own Beater bat.

    "What do you want Crouch?" Ivy asked annoyed, glaring at his direction.

     "What did you do this summer?"Barty questioned. "I sent you two letters and I got no response. Where have you been?"

     Ivy rolled her eyes, before she started to walk on again, hoping that he would let her go. But Barty followed after her.

     Barty smirked. "Playing hard to get, are we?"

     "No," Ivy shook her head, "I'm just too hard to please."

     Barty gritted his teeth together furiously. "Well, then I guess calling you the heartless bitch of Slytherin would suit you perfectly."

     Ivy rolled her eyes and with that, she picked up her pace and left Barty behind, finally reaching Flourish and Blotts Bookseller to buy her Hogwarts books and get it all over soon.

      Ivy entered the shop with her Hogwarts' book-list in her hand, looking around. The only new ones she needed to buy were "The Standard Book of Spells Grade 5" for their Charms class, and "The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts by Arsenius Jigger."

     Although Ivy took a look around the shop to check out other books, mostly the ones Wizarding history and some about Ancient Runes. She even came across a book named "Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming", which had a picture of a Grim on the front page.

     Smirking to herself, she picked up the book and looked through it, shaking her head at the stupidity of those people who actually believed in omens.

  Ivy knew that Divination was the stupidest branch of magic there was, and there was nothing real about it.

      After getting the books she needed, Ivy went and stood in the line for the payment. She kept tapping her feet on the floor, waiting impatiently for the wizard in front of her to pay quickly and leave. Ivy felt as though the man was moving in slow motion.

When her turn came, Ivy moved forward and pulled the money out of her bag, she handed the money to the man in charge of the shop. Then hugging her books to her chest, Ivy turned to leave the shop.

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