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     Ivy cursed herself, because she already knew exactly what was coming.

     Professor Kelsh went on with a broad smile, saying, "Mr. Lupin, Miss Malfoy, why don't you work on this assignment together?"

Ivy clenched her fists, but she nodded her head as a response. Lupin threw a quick glance behind his shoulder at her, before looking back at the Professor and nodding. Although before he had turned his head away, Ivy caught him smirking for a quick second.

     Ivy gritted her teeth together and thought to herself. 'You little sh-'

     "Great! You two stay behind so I can explain the assignment to you," said Professor Kelsh. "The rest of you are free to go."

     There was a scrabbling sound around the classroom as everyone got to their feet to make their way out of the room.

     Heaving out a long yet quiet sigh, Ivy grabbed her bag before making her way to the Professor's desk. She tried her best to avoid Lupin's eyes as he too walked up to the Professor's desk as well.

     Standing beside him, Ivy could once again smell the scent of chocolate and old books. And the worst part was, she liked it. 'Shut up, shut up, shut up,' Ivy thought to herself, trying to prevent her mind from thinking such things.

     "This assignment won't be too far from the subject we're studying now," Professor Kelsh started explaining. "I want you to research on The Curse of the Pharaohs, or as the Muggles refer to it, The Mummy's Curse. It's an old Muggle belief from decades ago. I want you to research on what it is, and work on the comparison between Muggles' beliefs on it and the actual truth of the ancient Egyptian wizards."

     "Yes, of course, Professor." Remus nodded in understanding. "How much time do we have to finish the assignment?"

     "You'll have till the last lesson before Christmas break, that gives you about a weeks worth to work on it. That should be enough time, I believe," she said.

     "All right!" Professor Kelsh said with glee. "If you don't have any more questions, you may go."

     "Goodbye, Professor," said Remus, nodding at her one last time before leaving the classroom.

     Although Ivy stayed put on her spot, waiting for him the leave before she turned to look at Professor Kelsh again.

     Ivy cleared her throat. "Professor, I know you think that I — that me and him — but no. With all due respect, it really isn't what you think it is."

     "Of course it isn't." The professor smiled knowing.

     "Professor, I'm being honest!" Ivy said coldly.

     "Of course you are." Professor Kelsh winked at her.

     Ivy sighed in defeat before telling the professor goodbye and making her way out of the class. Although as she left through the door, she stopped in her tracks when she saw Lupin standing outside the classroom with his back leaned against the wall, his bag slung over his shoulder loosely.

    Trying to avoid his presence, Ivy 'threw her head down before hurrying down the corridor. But she hadn't been able to get too far when she heard Lupin calling after her.

     She was forced to stop, but she didn't turn around to face him immediately. She closed her eyes, and let out a quiet yet long sigh.

     "Could I have a word with you?" Remus said from behind her.

     Letting out a breath, Ivy finally forced herself to turn around and face him.

    "Yes?" she said coldly, looking up into his chocolate brown eyes.

     "I was thinking that we should better get started on the assignment. The sooner we start, the better. Near Christmas Break is when all the professors tend to give us more work. It would be harder to leave this project for then." he said, although he then smiled knowingly as he added, "Unless you would want to run away from me again."

     Ivy knew he was referring to what had happened at Diagon Alley months ago. Even though his smile was gentle and sweet as he spoke.

     "We don't have any other choice than to work together, now do we?" said Ivy, folding her arms.

     Being raised in a family such as hers and always being overshadowed by her brother, Ivy had learnt to hide all her emotions behind a disguise of coldness. That was the only way she knew how to deal with things. She didn't want to show that she cared.

     "All right. We can start by reading the Muggle section, then," Remus suggested.

    " Alright then" Ivy said coldly.

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