Returning the Book

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    "What classes did you take this year, anyway? Anything new?" Lila asked Regulus after dinner.

"No, nothing new," Regulus replied coldly. "I'll see you guys later." And with that he left.

"What about you Ivy?" Lila asked.

     "Same old classes, I have ancient runes first as always." Ivy stated simply.

"I'll never understand how you like Ancient Runes." Lila shook her head.

     Ivy opened her mouth to reply, but they both to a stop when a voice far behind them called out, "Hey! Wait up!"

     "If it's Barty, I'm gonna kill myself." Ivy muttered under her breath.

     But Lila, who had already turned around to see who it was, only grinned. "We've got a tall cutie with brown eyes approaching."

     Ivy slowly turned around. She sighed when she realized that it was Remus Lupin, making his way over them through the crowd of students.

"I wanna see how this goes," Lila replied with amusement, her eyes on the Gryffindor boy as he finally reached them.

"Hello," Remus Lupin started, looking between the two girls.

"Hey, gorgeous." Lila winked at him flirtatiously, just to see his reaction.

     She then smiled in satisfaction when the boy blinked a few times, his cheeks turning pink. But he tried ignoring her as he turned to face Ivy.

     Lila was always flirting with guys, she'd date them for a week then break up with them. She was literally the Sirius Black of Slytherin, except as a girl.

     For a few short seconds he stared at her in silence, as though trying to read through her thoughts, before clearing his throat.

"Here's — here's your Charms book. You left it at the book store," he said awkwardly, handing it to Ivy as he tried to avoid Lila's eyes and her grin.

     Ivy held his gaze, he had such kind eyes. She then took the book from him in a quick motion. At long last, she nodded at him once as she muttered a small 'thank you'. And then soon after, she walked down the marble staircase without saying another word.

     Ivy had tried to seem as cold as possible, but the truth was, her heart has never beat this loud and rapidly.

    "Ivy! Oi!" Lila called after her friend as she rushed down to the dungeons.

    If looks could kill, Lila would be six feet under ground right now.

"I'm not in love with him!" Ivy snapped coldly, before sighing.

     Ivy shook her head, letting out a breath. "Forget it. Let's just go get some sleep. It's been a long day."

     After saying the password, a passage was revealed to them. Ivy couldn't wait to go up her dorm and sleep her headache away.

     Once Lila and Ivy walked up to their usual dorm which they shared with three other girls, they saw that their trunks had been brought up magically, along with Lila's owl.

Already tired from the long day of traveling and full from the feast, they both soon changed into their pajamas and got ready for bed.

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