The Project

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Later that night, Ivy and Lila were in the Slytherin common room doing their homework.

"All right, I'm done," said Lila, putting down her quill at last.

Just then, three seventh year boys walked down into the common room, dropping themselves down on the black leather couches in front of the green fireplace. Ivy rolled her eyes as she saw Barty Crouch Jr among the three.

"...still thinking about it, of course," Barty continued speaking as they sat down. "But I'm pretty certain it's gonna happen this summer, after I graduate Hogwarts."

"You sure?" one of the other boys asked. "I mean, it's one thing to support the idea of Pureblood supermacy, but to join the Dark Lord —"

"Keep your voice down!" the third boy cut him off, looking around anxiously.

Ivy and Lila glanced at each other before looking down at their books, pretending to read while they listened to their conversation.

"Joining the Dark Lord would be an honor," said Barty, smiling to himself. "There is no place for Mudbloods in this school, nor in the Wizarding world. We'll make sure of that."


That morning Ivy rushed to eat her breakfast so she could get to Ancient Runes early.

"Bye." Ivy said to Lila and nodded to Regulus as she left the Great Hall.

Ivy rushed her way toward the West Tower, but when she finally reached the classroom she was some how lat.

Professor Kelsh said, "Hello, Miss Malfoy
"Please, take a seat," The Professor said kindly, instead of taking points off her like the other teachers did when someone came late to class.

Ivy then realized that Professor Kelsh was gesturing at the empty seat beside Lupin.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor," Ivy muttered, and then pretending that she hadn't noticed where the Professor was pointing at, she went and took a seat at the back of the class.

As Professor Kelsh went on teaching about the runes belonging to Ancient Egypt, Diana found herself wondering how on earth the Gryffindor boy had managed to beat her into getting to class. Twice.

She thought that maybe there was a secret way to the West Tower, but she couldn't figure how on earth Lupin could have found such passageway.

Ivy only came back to her senses and snapped back to reality when at the end of class the other students all closed their books and placed their equipment in their bags.

"Now, before you leave," said the young Professor, silencing everyone, "This year, I decided to set an assignment for extra credits. Only one person will be able to participate. Do we have any volunteers?"

Her competitive side resurfacing, and Ivy's hand was first to go up, without actually knowing what the subject was going to be about. As her favorite subject, she really wanted to go for some extra credits on Ancient Runes, even though she was positive she was going to get a good score anyway.

Five more people volunteered as well, raising their hands, and among them was Remus Lupin.

Just then Ivy heart sank when she saw a smile brewing on Professor Kelsh's lips as her deep brown eyes traveled between her and the Gryffindor boy who was sitting in the front of the class.

Realizing what the Professor had in mind, Ivy wished she hadn't put her hand up so quickly.

"On second thoughts," The Professor started, her smile growing, "seeing as there are more volunteers than I expected, how about we have two of you working on this project?"

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