The Quidditch Match

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After her date, Ivy headed to the Great Hall for dinner. She headed to her usual spot at the Slytherin table, Regulus and Lila were already sitting there eating.

Ivy sat down next to Regulus, with Lila sitting across from them.

"Sooo...." Lila started. "How was your date?" Lila asked excitedly.

"Wait what date!?" Regulus asked, turning to Lila. "You're supposed to keep me updated on these things!"

Lila smirked. "Well, if you must know, Ivy went on a date with Sirius."

Regulus rolled his eyes and turned to Ivy, he went to say something but Ivy interrupted her.

"It's not like I wanted to!" Ivy said coldly. "Lila made me.

Regulus rolled his eyes not surprised. "Of course she did."

All the houses had showed up to watch the game, cheering the teams on as they walked toward each other, meeting at the centre of the field.

"Mount your brooms!" Madam Hooch called loudly after the captains had shaken hand. "On my whistle! Three... Two... one!"

With the sound of her whistle, the balls were all set free and the players shot to the sky. A Hufflepuff fifth year boy was the commentator of the match as always, speaking through the magical microphone.

"Chaser James Potter catches the Quaffle! He flies past Tom Walker, Slytherin Chaser! Potter throws the Quaffle at chaser Marlene McKinnon!" The boy said cheerfully.

"She flies towards the hoops – a bludger's been thrown at her direction – blocked by Beater Sirius Black! He's rather handsome – for the record, I'm not gay. Just observing."

He got a death glare from Professor McGonagall.

"Right... back to the game! McKinnon gets closer to the hoop – almost there – YES! SHE SCORES! Ten points to Gryffindor!"

Ivy's eyes we're fixed on the two Gryffindor Beater, trying to see who was trying to throw the Bludgers at the Slytherins. With a satisfied grin, she saw that it was Sirius Black. And so she dived in, her bat in hand.

"The Quaffle is passed to James Potter! He's going for the hoops — Beater Ivy Malfoy in now going for the Bludger! She throws it at Sirius Black and — WOAH! That was a close miss! He nearly falls off his broom! Damn... It looked personal..."

Twenty minutes into the game, the score was sixty to forty in Gryffindor's favor, and that was when the Gryffindor Seeker spotted the Golden Snitch. So leaning forward on her broom, she shot onward.

"Looks like Gryffindor Seeker, Jenna, has spotted the Snitch! Look at her go! Seeker Regulus Black is after it as well – Oh, no! He is shot by a Bludger sent from his own brother, Sirius, and – ouch! He hits the ground! That must've hurt..."

Ivy shot a glare at Finn, who was in charge of defense. Hamish was yelling at Finn as well, but all their attention was then caught when the Gryffindor Seeker advanced on the Snitch. She got closer and closer, her arm outstretched. And finally –

"She catches the Snitch!" the commentator boomed as a loud cheer erupted. "GRYFFINDOR WINS!"

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