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"I can't believe that Professor Kelsh would do that on purpose! She actually thinks I'm in love with Lupin, and now she's trying to set us up!" Ivy said annoyed.

"Looks like your Ancient Runes' Professor can play Cupid better than Cupid himself," Lila said teasingly.

Ivy rolled her eyes as they arrived to their Divination class.

     They went to their normal seats and listened to the Professor continue the lesson on Crystal Gazing. Lila went on to writing fake predictions as usual, and Ivy copied off of her changing a few words so they weren't exactly the same.

     Ivy always thought that Divination was stupid, the only reason she took it was because it was an easy 'O'.

     Last lesson she had seen a Moon in the orb, although she couldn't stop thinking about it. Ivy went through the Divination book to see what a moon meant. She found the page and read;

     "To see the moon represents some hidden, mysterious aspect of yourself. It indicates cyclic changes, renewal, and movement."

     Ivy rolled her eyes and closed the book with a snap. She rolled her eyes and thought, "what a load of rubbish."


     Ivy tried to push away the thought of the full moon shining through the crystal orb, as she got into bed early that night. No matter how many times she twisted and turned in her bed, she failed to close her eyes for even a second.

    She couldn't help but feel that there was a connection between what she had seen in the orb and the feeling she had gotten all those months ago, when her skin had brushed against Remus's hand.

Ivy had the same warm feeling in Divination that she had when her hand brushed Remus's.

    Ivy thought to herself as she stared up at the ceiling motionlessly. What if it had something to with Divination...?

    She shook her head, feeling stupid for even thinking that. She had to trust her gut on this one. Ivy's curiosity was killing her, and it certainly couldn't wait until tomorrow. So, with that thought, Ivypushed the emerald green blankets off her and got out of bed. The other three girls in their dorm were down in the common room, probably catching up with their studies. Lila was sitting cross-legged on her bed, writing her Potions essay.

     "Where are you going?" Lila asked curiously, glancing at her friend's direction.

     "Library," Ivy stated. She decided not to wear her Slytherin tie or her black cloak. Instead, she grabbed her wand and put it in her back pocket, making her way over the dorm's door.

    "Library?" Lila repeated, craning her neck to check the clock in their dorm. "But it's already twenty minutes after curfew."

     "See you later," Ivy said, too lost in her thoughts to have heard Lila.

     Quickly, she walked down the stone staircase of the girls' dormitory, finally leaving the common room as she avoided the curious glances of the other Slytherins there.

     Ivy was careful with where she was going and who she might run into. She hid behind a wall before entering each corridor, keeping an eye for Peeves, Filch, or anyone else that could get her in trouble for wondering around the castle after curfew.

     She wanted to get to the library to see if she could find any useful books on Divination, desperately wanting to know the connection between her visions inside the crystal orb and the horrifying feeling of warmth and 'happiness' which she had felt twice now.

     Just as Ivy was about to turn a corner to enter the next corridor, she flinched when she heard a voice call from behind her.

     "What are you doing here?"

     Ivy sighed disappointed in herself that she got caught. Turning around, Ivy saw a Ravenclaw boy Prefect.

     "Answer the question," the boy said sternly, repeating himself, "What are you doing here? It's half-an-hour past curfew."

     "The punishment for wandering around after curfew is forty points." The boy gritted his teeth together furiously, growing irritated. "What House are you in?"

     "Good thing I didn't wear my tie", Ivy thought to herself.

     "Gryffindor," she replied, as quickly as possible.

    The Ravenclaw boy narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. "I don't believe you, so either tell me what you're doing here or I'll —" He was saying, but he was cut off when someone suddenly spoke from behind them.

     "She's with me."

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