The Gryffindor Prefect

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Turning around, Ivy was surprised to see Remus Lupin standing there, the usual soft smile spread across his face.

"What are you doing here, Lupin?" The Ravenclaw boy raised a brow at him. "You're supposed to be patrolling the fifth floor. This is the first floor. Or do you need a map?"

"I'm all set. Thank you," said Remus, smiling more broadly now.

He then started walking toward them until he reached Ivy, now standing right beside her. She looked away from him before her mind could start thinking about how tall he actually was.

The usual scent of chocolate and books hit her the moment he stood close enough to her that their arms were brushing against each other.

"Well?" The Ravenclaw boy pressed on. "What are you doing here? And what do you mean she's with you? Prefect's aren't allowed to invite students out after curfew —"

"I'm well aware of what a Prefect is or isn't allowed to do," Remus said gently. "She escaped hospital wing. I'm here to accompany her back to the ward, under Madam Pomfrey's strict orders."

"Why?" The boy investigated. Ivy kept silent, wondering where Lupin was going with this.

"Well, unfortunately Miss Malfoy here had a terrible injury during their Quidditch practice today. She hit her head pretty bad." said Remus, letting out a sigh of pity. "She escaped the hospital wing because she was obviously out her own mind; couldn't think straight. She had a concussion today, after all."

The Ravenclaw boy considered this for a few seconds, looking between Remus and Ivy as though he couldn't really believe them.

"How can I know you're telling the truth?" he asked Remus.

"You can accompany us up to the hospital wing, if you want to make sure." Remus shrugged casually.

"No. It's fine," he said.

"All right." Remus smiled again. "I'll see you later then. Have a good night."

The boy gave them one last nod as if to say goodbye, though he kept his eyes on them suspiciously as the two passed him to cross the corridor.

Ivy let out a quiet gasp of surprise when all of a sudden Remus wrapped an arm around her waist, as though supporting her up so she wouldn't fall down.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ivy hissed at Remus angrily in a hushed tone so only he could hear her.

"Shh. He's still watching us," Remus whispered, his arm still wrapped around her as they walked out of the corridor side-by-side, while his other hand held onto a blank parchment.

Ivy tried to ignore the tingles she was feeling where his hand touched, trying to think of anything except for his warm arm around her, or about how close they were standing.

"How did you find me?" Ivy asked coldly as they left the corridor, but she realized that he still hadn't removed his hand from around her.
"Let's just call it a sixth sense." He shrugged, grinning.

But as though suddenly coming back to his senses and realizing that his arm was still around her waist, Remus quickly dropped his hand from her, clearing his throat rather awkwardly. "Sorry," he muttered, avoiding her eyes. "We had to make him believe that you weren't feeling well.

"So..." he started, stopping to turn and look over at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Why should I tell you?" Ivy snapped.

"Because I just saved your arse," said Remus, smiling. "If you don't tell me, I will have to give you detention, Miss Malfoy," Remus said cheekily, pointing at his Prefect badge.

"Fine." Ivy said rolling her eyes, not in the mood to deal with Filch. "I was going to the library."

Remus gave her a look, taken aback. "What for?"

"For our Ancient Runes' project," Ivy said the first thing that came to mind.

"At this hour of the night?"

"Why not?" She shrugged, smirking. "You may not care about our project, Lupin, but I think it's very important."

After a long pause Remus sighed and said "All right. Let's go."

"Fine," Ivy mumbled under her breath grumpily in defeat. "Let's go to the library."

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