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     Remus had looked around the Great Hall for the girl, when he saw her and another girl leaving the Great Hall "Hey! Wait up!" Remus shouted at them as he jogged up to them.

     The girl's friend turned around first, grinning at him, she then said something to the girl and she turned around as well, a frown on her face.

"Hello," Remus Lupin started, looking between the two girls.

"Hey, gorgeous." The girl's friend said and winked at him flirtatiously.

  She then smiled, when Remus blinked a few times, his felt his cheeks warm up. But he tried ignoring her as he turned to face the girl.

     For a few short seconds he stared at her in silence, he looked into her eyes Remus saw how cold and emotionaless her eyes were. Remus eventually cleared his throat.

"Here's — here's your Charms book. You left it at the book store," he said awkwardly, handing it to her as he tried to avoid the other girl's eyes and her grin.

     The girl then muttered a small 'thank you' and quickly walked away.

     "Ivy! Oi!" The girl called out.

     Ivy, so that's her name. Remus thought to himself as he headed back to his own common room.


The next morning, Ivy woke up still feeling miserable due to the fact that she still had a small headache. Ivy got up and got ready for the
Lila was talking about the gossip she had found out from the girls they share a dorm with, but she came to a stop when Barty Crouch Jr. stepped in front of them as they entered the common room, blocking their way.

     "Hey, girls," said Barty, smirking.

     Lila rolled her eyes. "Tell me something Barty." Lila said, walking closer to him, "do you want to have kids in the future?"

    "That depends. With who?" Barty's grin widened as he neared her as well, their faces only inches apart. "If it's with Ivy, then sure."

     "Good," Lila smiled, but it disappeared completely the next moment as she said, "then if you want to be able to have kids, get out of my way before I kick you in the nuts."
Barty's smirk disappeared into a scowl as the people around them sniggered and laughed. With a triumphant grin on her lips, Lila left the common room along with Ivy.

   "I'm so glad that the dickhead isn't in any of our classes. Otherwise I would've ended up on Azkaban years ago," said Lila as they walked out of the dungeons."Thankfully he's a seventh year. We only have to tolerate him for one more year, and then he'll be out of our lives forever."

     "Amen to that." Ivy muttered.
Soon after the two girls joined the rest of the students at the Slytherin table and started with their breakfast.

     "Are you done with breakfast?" Ivy asked slightly annoyed. "Ancient Runes' classroom is all the way in the West Tower. I'll be late if I don't go now."

     "No, I'm not done yet," Lila responded, pouring herself another full glass of pumpkin juice. "Why don't you go on without me?"

     "All right." Ivy got to her feet, throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "See you later."

     "See ya," Lila waved at her as Ivy turned to leave, taking a bite of the toast once she left the Great Hall.

     On her way to the West Tower, Ivy was annoyed that her thought kept wandering toward a certain boy with sandy hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was great full that she wasn't going to see him until their Potions class.

Ivy came to a halt the moment she entered through the door, only to see Remus Lupin sitting in her seat, taking his books out of his backpack and neatly placing them on the desk in front of him. Ivy sighed annoyed once more, that the boy was sitting in her seat.

The Boy in Diagon Alley Where stories live. Discover now